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Gutt, Julian (2007): Sea bed photographs of the Remote Operated Vehicle SPRINT from the shelf west of Spitzbergen along 25 profiles during cruise Heincke 153 [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2007-10-05DOI registered: 2007-11-03

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This dataset presents sea bed photographs from the shelf west of Spitzbergen along 25 profiles during cruise Heincke 153.
Related to:
Gutt, Julian (2019): Sea bed videos of the Remote Operated Vehicle SPRINT from the shelf west of Spitzbergen along 25 profiles during cruise Heincke 153 [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,
Median Latitude: 77.670355 * Median Longitude: 14.041171 * South-bound Latitude: 74.453800 * West-bound Longitude: 9.395667 * North-bound Latitude: 79.033133 * East-bound Longitude: 20.834800
Date/Time Start: 2001-08-29T05:47:08 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-12T05:41:20
HE153/1239-3 * Latitude Start: 74.453800 * Longitude Start: 20.834800 * Latitude End: 74.455550 * Longitude End: 20.834333 * Date/Time Start: 2001-08-29T05:47:08 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-29T06:35:10 * Elevation Start: -182.0 m * Elevation End: -181.0 m * Campaign: HE153 * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: Remote operated vehicle (ROV)
HE153/1241-3 * Latitude Start: 74.816333 * Longitude Start: 17.582333 * Latitude End: 74.822000 * Longitude End: 17.555333 * Date/Time Start: 2001-08-29T15:20:33 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-29T16:32:37 * Elevation Start: -301.0 m * Elevation End: -301.0 m * Campaign: HE153 * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: Remote operated vehicle (ROV)
HE153/1243-3 * Latitude Start: 76.000500 * Longitude Start: 16.584833 * Latitude End: 75.995000 * Longitude End: 16.606833 * Date/Time Start: 2001-08-30T13:17:48 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-30T14:42:03 * Elevation Start: -337.0 m * Elevation End: -336.0 m * Campaign: HE153 * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: Remote operated vehicle (ROV)
ROV (sprint 103) equiped with 36mm still camera; Kodak Ektachrome 100; digitized with Nikon super coolscan 4000ED; JPEG compression. Along the same transect the sea-bed was videotaped in betacam format using the same lense system. If any image from this collection is used, please cite as © AWI, Julian Gutt 2007 or use the given citation. PI contact
25 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1239-3.
  2. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1241-3.
  3. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1243-3.
  4. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1244-3.
  5. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1245-3.
  6. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1248-3.
  7. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1249-3.
  8. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1250-3.
  9. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1255-3.
  10. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1256-1.
  11. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1257-2.
  12. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1258-2.
  13. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1259-1.
  14. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1264-3.
  15. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1265-3.
  16. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1269-3.
  17. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1271-3.
  18. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1274-3.
  19. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1275-3.
  20. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1276-3.
  21. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1277-3.
  22. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1281-3.
  23. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1285-3.
  24. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1286-3.
  25. Gutt, J (2005): Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the shelf west of Svalbard along ROV profile HE153_1289-4.