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Expedition 310 Scientists (2007): Description of lithologic section units of Hole 310-M0025A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Camoin, Gilbert; Iryu, Yasufumi; McInroy, Dave; Expedition 310 Scientists (2007): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management, Inc.), 310,
Latitude: -17.488020 * Longitude: -149.404030
Date/Time Start: 2005-11-13T07:41:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-11-13T16:25:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.60 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 19.43 m
310-M0025A (TAH-02A-5G) * Latitude: -17.488020 * Longitude: -149.404030 * Date/Time Start: 2005-11-13T07:41:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-11-13T16:25:00 * Elevation: -105.4 m * Penetration: 20.93 m * Recovery: 15.09 m * Location: Tahiti, offshore Tiarei * Campaign: Exp310 (Tahiti Sea Level) * Basis: DP Hunter * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Coordinate system: WGS84, Time zone: UTC -10
Abbreviations: encr=enrcusting, br=braching, rob=robust, tab=tabular, fol=foliaceous, mas=massive, frags/frag=fragments/fragmented, unident=unidentifies, CAB=coral-algal bindstone, ECR=encrustation, MB=microbiolite, HAL=Halimeda, IS=in situ, UK=unknown, gp=group; DEPTH applies to top depth of section unit
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Sample code/labelSample label
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual observation
Rock typeRockExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual descriptioncontinuation 1
FossilsFossilsExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
BioerosionBioerosionExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
10 Core disturbanceDisturbanceExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
189 data points


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0.60310-M0025A-1-1,01BindstoneMicrobialiteCoral-algal bindstone and microbialite. ECR thin, multiple layers. Core top strongly ored. Microbialite dominant, mostly dendritic. C1=coral frag UK, C2=encr Agaricid (Pavona?) 5 colonies, IS, C3=coral frag UK.Agariciidae - encrusting, Coral-algal bindstone, encrusting coraline algae, encrusting, unident., Microbialitehighly
1.80310-M0025A-2-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite (dendritic and laminar). Section top- surface is dark stained, bored, with encr worm tubes. Little Halimeda at base. C1=coral frags - Agaricid, Pocillopora, C2=encr Montipora IS,C3=encr UK, C4=br Pocillopora frag, C5=encr Montipora IS, C6=encr Montipora IS.Agariciidae -branching, Coral frags., unident., encrusting coraline algae, encrusting, unident., Gastropod, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Pocillopora - branchinghighly
3.23310-M0025A-3-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite (dendritic and knobby) with coral-algal bindstone. Little Halimeda. ECR thin and miltiple layers, one thick layer (4mm) at 85cm. Top of section brown stain, bored. C1=encr Montipora IS,C2=encr Agaricid (Pavona?) IS, C3=encr Montipora, IS, C4=encr Agaricid IS, C5=br Porites, C6=encr Montipora IS, 6 colonies, C7=encr UK IS.Agariciidae - encrusting, Coral-algal bindstone, encrusting coraline algae, encrusting, unident., Foraminifer, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Pavona - encrusting, Porites - branching
4.11310-M0025A-3-1,882MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite without coral. Dendritic.Halimeda, Microbialite
4.59310-M0025A-4-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite with borings, dendritic and knobby forms. C1=thin encr corals UK, IS.Encrusting coraline algae, encrusting, unident., Halimeda, Microbialite
4.92310-M0025A-4-1,332RubbleMontipora - encrustingRubble of broken framework. Mostly coral. Bioerosion variable. Vermetid gastropods. One ECR layer at 70cm is 8mm thick. Microbialite is knobby.C2=encr Montipora IS, 5 colonies, C3=br Pocillopora and Porites frags, C4=encr Montiora IS with minor encr Agaricid.Agariciidae - encrusting, Encrusting coraline algae, Gastropod, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branching
6.60310-M0025A-5-1,01RubblePorites - branchingRubble of broken framework. Coral surfaces bored. ECR with vermetid gastropods. HALimemda, MB. Geopetals in borings IS. C1=broken coral frags of rob br Pocillopora and br Porites,C2=encr Pavona IS (varians?), C3=frags of br Porites and encr Montipora.Encrusting coraline algae, Gastropod, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Pavona - encrusting, Pocillopora - robust branching, Porites - branching
7.86310-M0025A-6-1,01RubblePorites - branchingRubble of corals. Heavily bioeroded. C1=broken frags of br Porites, br Pocillopora.Coral-algal bindstone, Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branchinghighly
8.14310-M0025A-6-1,282FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. Major is microbialite, laminar and dendritic. ECR heavily bored with vermetid gastropods, up to several mm thick. HAL abundant in pockets. Basalt sand. C1=massive Porites, columnar form, IS.Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - massivemoderately
8.98310-M0025A-7-1,01RubbleMicrobialiteRubble of broken framework. Major is microbialite (dendritic, laminar, knobby). Open vugs. ECR locally thick (to 5mm). Corals bored (moderately). C1=fragments of columnar massive Porites (not IS - ?).Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - massive
9.61310-M0025A-8-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteFramework - crushed. Major is MB, dendritic with some laminar. ECR multiple thin layers, some thick layers. Open vugs - MB grows in. Moderate bioerosion. Microbialite dendritic, some laminar.C1=massive Porites, columnar, IS, C2=encr Montipora IS, C3=br Porites IS, C4=br Porites with corallites IS.Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Porites - branching, Porites - massive
11.07310-M0025A-9-1,01RubblePorites - branchingCoral rubble. Surfaces bored with encr. Worm tubes. C1=loose frags of br Porites (and others?).Branching, unident., Porites - branching
11.16310-M0025A-9-1,92FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. ECR thin. MB major. Sediment with HAL. Open vugs. Slight bioerosion. MB is laminar and dendritic. C2=br Porites with laminar encrustation IS, C3=encr Montipora IS, C4=br Porites (IS?)Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting
11.56310-M0025A-9-1,493RubblePorites - branchingCoral rubble. Surfaces bored. Intraclasts. C5=frags of br Porites.Porites - branching, Unknown bioclast, Unknown lithoclast
12.57310-M0025A-10-1,01FrameworkPorites - massiveFramework, crushed. Major is coral, with surfaces heavily bored. Little ECR. Underlain by hardground layer. C1=massive Porites fragments.Encrusting coraline algae, Porites - massive
12.83310-M0025A-10-1,262RudstonePorites - encrustingCoral rudstone. Infiltered sediments (younger?) = Pocillopora, basalt sand, bioclastics. Top and bottom bounds both encrusted hardstone (top is bored). C2=encr Porites, C3=rob br Pocillopora.Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Pocillopora - robust branching, Porites - encrusting, Unknown bioclast
13.23310-M0025A-10-1,663Rudstonebasalt pebblesRudstone with basalt pebbles and cobbles and sand, and bioclasts. Top boundary is hardstone, encrusted.Encrusting coraline algae
13.37310-M0025A-10-1,804BindstoneCoral-algal bindstoneCoral bindstone. Heavy bioerosion at top. Basalt cobbles. C4=unlabeled, looks like encr coral-algal, C5=encr Montipora (8 colonies) IS, and Agaricid encr visible.Agariciidae - encrusting, Bivalve, Coral-algal bindstone, Echinoderm, encrusting coraline algae, Montipora - encrusting, Unknown bioclast
14.07310-M0025A-11-1,01RubbleCoral frags., unident.Rubble. C1=coral fragments Porites, Montipora.Coral frags., unident., encrusting coraline algaeheavyhighly
14.15310-M0025A-11-1,82BindstoneEncrusting coraline algaeBindstone. Sediment infiltered into vugs, sandy, basalt grains and bioclasts. Brown stain. Corals: C2=encr unknown coral fragment, C3=encrusting Agaricid fragment.Agariciidae - encrusting, Coral frags., unident., encrusting coraline algae, Montipora - encrusting, Unknown bioclastmoderately
14.62310-M0025A-11-1,553FrameworkAcropora - tabularCoral framework? or cobble in unit below? Coals: C4=encrusting Montipora in situ?, C5=tabular Acropora humilis gp?? not in situ.Montipora - encrustingmoderate
14.84310-M0025A-11-1,774RudstoneSandRudstone. Intraclasts. Corals: C6=branching Porites?? Fragments. Basalt cobble >13cm, basalt pebbles and cobbles: well-rounded, fine-grained, moderately phyric ( <1-3mm; pyroxene, olivine, feldspars/foids, aphanitic groundmass),sparsely to moderately vesicular ( <1-11mm (highly variable), angular to sub-rounded (highly variable)), slightly altered ( traces of clay and altered olivine phenoclasts).Bivalve, Gastropod, Rhodolith, Unknown bioclast
15.21310-M0025A-11-1,1145SiltSiltBasaltic siltstone. Top is some boundary. Stained top.Coral frags., unident., Halimeda, Unknown bioclast
15.57310-M0025A-12-1,01RubbleRubbleCoarse coral fragments. Br Porites. Br Pocillopora. Rubble: pocket of younger stuff? Major coral. Bored surfaces. Reworked volc. siltstone?Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branching
15.65310-M0025A-12-1,82SiltRubble of br coralsVolcanic siltstone with bioclasts .Bivalve, Gastropod, Halimeda, Pocillopora - branching, Unknown bioclasthighly
16.97310-M0025A-12-1,1403RubblePocillopora - branchingCoral rubble - pocket of younger stuff? C2=br Pocillopora frag.Pocillopora - branching
16.99310-M0025A-12-2,01SiltSiltVolcanic siltstone with bioclasts. Geopetals and large shell (called a mollusc in the list).Halimeda, Mollusc, Unknown bioclast
18.23310-M0025A-13-1,01SiltSiltVolcanic siltstone with bioclasts, bivalve frags. Top 1.5cm laminated microbialite?Bivalve, Microbialite, Unknown bioclast
19.43310-M0025A-13-2,01SiltSiltVolcanic siltstone. With bioclasts. Geopetals in bioturbation. Bioturbation infilled with coarser seds incl gastropods, Halimeda.Gastropod, Halimeda, Unknown bioclast