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Expedition 310 Scientists (2007): Description of lithologic section units of Hole 310-M0011A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Camoin, Gilbert; Iryu, Yasufumi; McInroy, Dave; Expedition 310 Scientists (2007): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management, Inc.), 310,
Latitude: -17.489490 * Longitude: -149.402670
Date/Time Start: 2005-10-23T14:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-10-24T00:10:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.57 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 17.54 m
310-M0011A (TAH-02A-4A) * Latitude: -17.489490 * Longitude: -149.402670 * Date/Time Start: 2005-10-23T14:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-10-24T00:10:00 * Elevation: -101.3 m * Penetration: 17.65 m * Recovery: 7.89 m * Location: Tahiti, offshore Tiarei * Campaign: Exp310 (Tahiti Sea Level) * Basis: DP Hunter * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Coordinate system: WGS84, Time zone: UTC -10
Abbreviations: encr=enrcusting, br=braching, rob=robust, tab=tabular, fol=foliaceous, mas=massive, frags/frag=fragments/fragmented, unident=unidentifies, CAB=coral-algal bindstone, ECR=encrustation, MB=microbiolite, HAL=Halimeda, IS=in situ, UK=unknown, gp=group; DEPTH applies to top depth of section unit
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Sample code/labelSample label
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual observation
Rock typeRockExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual descriptioncontinuation 1
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual descriptioncontinuation 2
FossilsFossilsExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
10 BioerosionBioerosionExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
11 Core disturbanceDisturbanceExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
12 CommentCommentExpedition 310 Scientists
220 data points


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1.57310-M0011A-1-1,01RubbleRubbleBasalt cobble. Angular; fine-grained. Moderately phyric; (less 1-2 mm), trachytic orientation; mainly elongated laths of pyroxenes altered/replaced by biotite(?); aphanitic groundmass. Non-vesicular. Slightly altered.
2.99310-M0011A-2-1,01RubbleRubbleBasalt pebbles: 1) angular, fine-grained, aphyric with trachytic texture; slight to moderatley vesicular, some have iron oxide amygdules, elongated (ca. 1-4 mm), subparallel with the trachytic texture; aphanitic groundmass.2) smaller piece, angular; fine-grained; aphyric, but with a few (less 1%) pyroxene laths; non-vesicular; dense and dark.
3.09310-M0011A-2-1,102FrameworkPorites - massiveCoral framework.Porites - massiveslight
3.31310-M0011A-3-1,01RubblePorites - massiveRubble: broken framework. NOT - corallites preserved in encrusting Montipora. Basalt cobble:subround fragments, fine-grained, sparsely phyric (pyroxene and feldspars/foids </-2mm, aphanitic groundmass),highly vesicular ( </-3 mm, round), slightly altered.Encrusting coraline algae, Montipora - encrusting, Porites - branching, Porites - massivemoderatehighly
4.66310-M0011A-4-1,01RubbleOther coralCoral rubble, Vermitid gastropods.Encrusting coraline algae, Pocillopora - branchingheavy
4.76310-M0011A-4-1,102FrameworkPorites - encrustingMassive porites in situ.Porites - massive
4.99310-M0011A-4-1,333RubbleOther coralCoral rubble.Porites - branching
5.04310-M0011A-4-1,384FrameworkPorites - massiveCoral framework. Encrusting red algae.Encrusting coraline algae, Pavona - encrusting, Porites - massive
5.31310-M0011A-4-2,01FrameworkPorites - massivesee section 4R1 lowest part.
6.70310-M0011A-5-1,01RubblePorites - massiveRubble. ECR on corals up to 8 mm thick.Coral frags., unident., encrusting coraline algae, Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branching, Porites - massiveheavy
7.00310-M0011A-5-2,01RubblePorites - massiveRubble.Porites - massivemoderatehighly
8.70310-M0011A-6-1,01RubblePorites - massiveRubble.Pocillopora - branching, Porites - massivemoderatehighly
8.82310-M0011A-6-1,122FrameworkPorites - massiveCoral framework. Boring bivalve.Porites - massiveslightslightly
9.05310-M0011A-6-1,353FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework.Encrusting coraline algae, Microbialite, Porites - branching
9.30310-M0011A-6-2,01RubblePorites - branchingRubble - broken framework.Encrusting coraline algae, Microbialite, Porites - branchinghighly
10.70310-M0011A-7-1,01RubblePorites - branchingRubble: broken framework?. Branching porites.Encrusting coraline algae, Porites - branchingheavyhighly
10.80310-M0011A-7-1,102FrameworkMontipora - encrustingCoral framework. ECR: up to 4 mm. Worm tubes. Vermitid gastropods. C2=encrusting montipora in situ 4 colonies.Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Montipora - encrustingmoderately
10.99310-M0011A-7-1,293RubblePorites - branchingRubble.Halimeda, Porites - branchinghighly
11.13310-M0011A-7-1,434FrameworkLeptastrea - encrustingCoral framework. CORALS: encrusting ? Leptastrea in situ, encrusting Montipora in situ. ECR: thin.Encrusting coraline algae, Leptastrea - encrusting, Montipora - encrustingmoderately
11.33310-M0011A-7-1,635RubblePorites - branchingRubble. Intraclasts.highly
11.40310-M0011A-7-2,01RubbleMontipora - encrustingCoral-algal bindstone. C1=coral fragments, C2=encrusting Montipora in situ?Coral frags., unident., encrusting coraline algae, Montipora - encrustingmoderately
12.29310-M0011A-8-1,01RubblePorites - branchingRubble: crushed framework? coral-algal bindstone. Intraclasts.Encrusting coraline algae, Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branchingmoderatehighlyNOTE: section is 35 cm long, scanned image in VCD is only 20 cm long
12.69310-M0011A-9-1,01FrameworkMontipora - encrustingCoral framework. More than 30 colonies of encr Montipora in situ. ECR: up to 3 mm thick. Vermitid gastropods. Geopetals in tubes in situ.Bivalve, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Montastrea - encrusting
13.40310-M0011A-9-1,712FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. Very thin ECR around corals, thick MB. Primary vugs infilled with sand with basalt grains. Corals in situ: C2=branching Acropora in situ, C3=encrusting Montipora in situ, C4=branching Acropora in situ,C5=encrusting Montipora in situ, C6: branching Acropora in situ. Microbialite.Acropora - branching, Bivalve, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - branching, Montipora - encrustingmoderately
13.87310-M0011A-9-2,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. Sand with carbonate grains and basalt. C1=branching Acropora in situ?Acropora - branching, Halimeda, Microbialite, Unknown bioclastmoderately
14.05310-M0011A-10-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. ECR very thin. Sandy/silty sediment with Halimeda, basalt grains. Corals: 0-24 cm br Acropora in situ, br Acropora and br Porites fragments, 24-67 cm encrusting porites frags and branching porites frags,67-86 cm branching acropora fragments, 86-98 cm encrusting montipora in situ?, 98-110 cm branching acropora fragments and unknown encrusting corals. Microbialites: 0-6 cm laminated, 36-40 cm laminated, 46-50 subtly laminated, 96-100 subtly.y dendriticAcropora - branching, Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Other coral, Porites - branching, Porites - encrustingslightmoderately
15.15310-M0011A-10-2,01RubbleMontastrea - encrustingRubble. Intraclasts.Montipora - encrustinghighly
15.47310-M0011A-11-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. Little ECR. Sediment: silty-sandy with Halimeda, basalt sand grains, gastropods, bivalves. Small open vugs. Corals: 0-10 cm branching Porites fragments, 10-42 cm encrusting Montipora in situ, 5 colonies.Microbialite: 0-6 cm laminated, 10-14 cm laminated, 46-50 cm laminated.Bivalve, encrusting coraline algae, Gastropod, Halimeda, Microbialitehighly
15.97310-M0011A-11-2,01RubbleCoral frags., unident.Rubble. Corals: encrusting corals in situ? Microbialite: laminated.Coral frags., unident., encrusting, unident., Microbialite, Montipora - encrustinghighly
16.45310-M0011A-12-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral framework. Dominant coral.Encrusting coraline algae, Porites - branchingheavymoderately
17.54310-M0011A-12-2,01RubblePorites - branchingRubble with sandy sediment. Coral fragments.Montipora - encrusting, Porites - branchinghighly