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Expedition 310 Scientists (2007): Description of lithologic section units of Hole 310-M0005C [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Camoin, Gilbert; Iryu, Yasufumi; McInroy, Dave; Expedition 310 Scientists (2007): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management, Inc.), 310,
Latitude: -17.766520 * Longitude: -149.550790
Date/Time Start: 2005-10-09T21:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-10-10T11:05:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 26.34 m
310-M0005C (TAH-03A-4B) * Latitude: -17.766520 * Longitude: -149.550790 * Date/Time Start: 2005-10-09T21:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-10-10T11:05:00 * Elevation: -59.6 m * Penetration: 27.91 m * Recovery: 14.81 m * Location: Tahiti, offshore Maraa * Campaign: Exp310 (Tahiti Sea Level) * Basis: DP Hunter * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Coordinate system: WGS84, Time zone: UTC -10
Abbreviations: encr=enrcusting, br=braching, rob=robust, tab=tabular, fol=foliaceous, mas=massive, frags/frag=fragments/fragmented, unident=unidentifies, CAB=coral-algal bindstone, ECR=encrustation, MB=microbiolite, HAL=Halimeda, IS=in situ, UK=unknown, gp=group; DEPTH applies to top depth of section unit
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Sample code/labelSample label
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual observation
Rock typeRockExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual descriptioncontinuation 1
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual descriptioncontinuation 2
FossilsFossilsExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
10 StructureStructureExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
11 BioerosionBioerosionExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
12 Core disturbanceDisturbanceExpedition 310 ScientistsVisual description
262 data points


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0.00310-M0005C-1-1,01BindstoneMontipora - encrustingCoral-algal bindstone. Succession of various encrusting corals and coralline algae. Occurrence of rhodolithes at top of the sequence. Moderate bioerosion. C1=encrusting Montipora IS, C2=tabular Acropora IS, C3=encrusting Pavona IS,C4=encrusting Porites IS.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Montipora - encrusting, Pavona - encrusting, Porites - encrusting, Rhodolithmoderatemoderately
1.87310-M0005C-2-1,01BindstoneCoral-algal bindstoneCoral-algal bindstone. Succession of crusts of encr corals and coralline algae (thin). Moderate bioerosion. C1=encr Porites IS, C2=encr Agaricid IS, C3=encr UK IS, C4=encr Montastrea IS.Agariciidae - encrusting, Coral-algal bindstone, encrusting coraline algae, encrusting, unident., Gastropod, Montastrea - encrusting, Porites - encrustingslightly
2.60310-M0005C-3-1,01BindstoneCoral-algal bindstoneCoral-algal bindstone. Encr corals and thin ECR. Moderate bioerosion. C1=encr Porites IS, C2=encr agaricids IS.Agariciidae - encrusting, Coral-algal bindstone, encrusting coraline algae, Porites - encrusting
5.80310-M0005C-4-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite. Debris due to core disturbance. Laminated. Encr corals and thin ECR. C1=encr UK IS.Encrusting coraline algae, encrusting, unident., Microbialite
5.90310-M0005C-4-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite debris with crusts of coral and ECR. C1=UK frags.Coral frags., unident., encrusting coraline algae, Microbialitehighly
8.80310-M0005C-5-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite with succession of br corals in growth position with ECR. C1=br Porites IS dominant type, C2=tab Acropora frag.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Porites - branchingmoderately
9.28310-M0005C-5-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite including encr coral and thick ECRencr Montipora IS.Encrusting coraline algae, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting
10.37310-M0005C-6-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite with tab coral and ECR. C1=tab Acropora IS.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Microbialite
10.48310-M0005C-6-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite with succession of encr corals. Thin ECR. Braching corals. Moderate bioerosion. MB laminar, dendritic. Fungid debris. Rare HAL in cavities.C1=tab Acropora (dom coral), C2=solitary fungid, C3=rob br Pocillopora,C4=br Porites IS,C5=encr Porites IS.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Other coral, Pocillopora - robust branching
10.90310-M0005C-6-3,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite with encr and tab corals, thin ECR, and br corals in growth position with thin ECR. Fungiid debris. C1=encr Montipora IS, C2=tab Acropora (IS?) dominant coral type, C3=sol Fungiid frag, C4=br Pocillopora IS.Acroporidae - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, Other coral
11.68310-M0005C-7-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite interbedded encr corals and ECR in growth position. Br coral debris. MB is mostly laminar, some dendritic. C1=encr Porites IS, C2=br Porites IS, C3=tab Acropora IS, C4=encr Agaricid IS, C5=encr Porites IS, C6=br Pocillopora (IS?).Acropora - tabular, Agariciidae - encrusting, Bivalve, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branching, Porites - encrusting
12.82310-M0005C-7-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobiolites with crusts of corals and coralline algae in growth position. C1=encr Montipora IS, C2=encr Porites IS.Encrusting coraline algae, Montastrea - encrusting, Montipora - encrusting, Porites - encrusting
13.15310-M0005C-8-1,01BoundstoneMicrobialiteCoral boundstone. Mas coral alternating with MB, ECR, and tab. C1=massive Porites IS, C2=tabular Acropora.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Gastropod, Microbialite, Porites - massivemoderately
13.57310-M0005C-8-1,422FrameworkPocillopora - robust branchingCoral-algal-microbialite framework. Rob br in growth position. Cavities infilled with HAL. Moderate bioerosion. Br coral debris. C2=tab Acropora, C3=encr Porites IS, C4=br Porites, C5=rob br Pocilloproa.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Pocillopora - robust branching, Porites - branching, Porites - encrusting
13.83310-M0005C-8-1,683MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite. Tab and encr corals in growth position. Br coral debris. ECR thin. HAL infillings. MB dendritic and laminar. C6=tab acropora IS, C7=encr Agaricid.Acropora - tabular, Agariciidae - encrusting, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite
14.13310-M0005C-8-2,01BoundstonePorites - massiveMassive Porites (C1) in gorwth position.Porites - massive
14.25310-M0005C-8-2,122MicrobialiteMicrobialiteC2=- massive Montastraea (in situ), C3=tabular Acropora (in situ), C4=encr Porites (in situ), C5=br Porites. Microbiolites in which occur massive and tabular corals (in growth position), tabular coral in growth position andrare branching and encrusting corals. Thin crusts of coralline algae. In some places, Halimeda in cavities.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Mollusc, Montastrea - massive, Porites - encrusting, Porites - massiveParallel laminae
15.08310-M0005C-8-3,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteC1=- br Porites (in situ ?), C2=encr Pories (in situ). Microbiolite consists of corals and coralline algae (in growth position). Branching corals.Encrusting coraline algae, Porites - branching, Porites - encrusting
16.00310-M0005C-9-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite. Locally crusts of corals and thick crusts of coralline algae in growth position. Debris of branching corals (incl. robust branching corals). Halimeda in cavities, microbialite morphology. Laminated. Some laminated microbialites withdendritic on top. Corals: C1=tabular acropora fragment, C2=branching pocillopora fragment, C3=encrusting porites in situ, C4=encrusting montipora? in situ, C5=robust branching pavona fragment, C6=encrusting pavona, C7=branching porites.fragments, C8=unknown coralAcropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Gastropod, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montipora - encrusting, other coral, Pavona - branching, Pavona - encrusting, Pocillopora - branching, Porites - branching, Porites - encrustingmoderatemoderately
17.35310-M0005C-9-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteCorals: C1= br Porites, C2= tabular Acropora (in situ). Microbiolites in which occur tabular corals and coralline algae in grwoth position. Rare HalimedaAcropora - tabular, Porites - branching
18.25310-M0005C-10-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteC1= encr Montipora, C2= br Porites frag, C3= rbr Pocillopora frags, C4= tabular Acropora (in situ growth position). Microbiolite with encrusting red algae. Halimeda occurs in some cavities.Acropora - tabular, Montipora - encrusting, Pocillopora - robust branching, Porites - branchingParallel laminaemoderately
18.65310-M0005C-10-1,402BoundstoneCoral-algal bindstoneCoral-algal boundstone w/ branching and encrusting corals and thick crusts of coralline algae. Tabular ? Corals. Halimeda inside some cavities. Bivaleves present. C5=br Porites (in situ).Bivalve, Porites - branching
18.85310-M0005C-10-1,603MicrobialiteMicrobialiteC6=Rbr Acropora (in situ). Microbiolite with robust branching corals in growth position more or less encrusted by coralline algae.Acropora - robust branching, encrusting coraline algaeParallel laminae
19.38310-M0005C-10-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteC1=br Porites. Microbiolite with branching coral in growth position (?).Porites - branchingmoderately
19.86310-M0005C-11-1,01PackstoneHalimedaHalimeda packstone. C1=tab acropora fragments, C2=foliaceous pachyseris fragments.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Pachyseris - foliaceoushighly
19.95310-M0005C-11-1,92MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite including in some places tabular, encrusting and branching corals in growth position.Halimeda in cavities. Microbialite morphology, laminated. Corals: C3=encrusting porites in situ, C4= branching porites in situ, C5= tabular acropora in situ.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - branching, Porites - encrustinghighly
20.34310-M0005C-11-1,483BoundstoneAcropora - tabularCoral boundstone. Coral: C5= tabular acropora in situ.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae
20.48310-M0005C-11-1,624MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite. Branching corals and thin ECR. Corals: C4=branching porites fragments.Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - branchinghighly
20.71310-M0005C-12-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteMicrobialite with embedded robust and branching corals in growth position. Coral debris. Locally Halimeda. Microbialite morphology, laminated, in lower part dendritic on top of laminated.Corals: C1=tab acropora in situ, C2=encr uk coral in situ, C3=robust branching pavona in situ, C4=robust branching pocillopora in situ, C5=encr? unknown coral fragment.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Other coral, Pavona - branching, Pocillopora - robust branchinghighly
21.36310-M0005C-13-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialites. Locally thick ECR. Abundant Halimeda in cavities. Corals: C1=branching porites in situ, C2=tabular acropora in situ, C3=encrusting unknown coral in situ. Microbialite morphology,laminated, some with dendritic on top.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Other coral, Porites - branchinghighly
22.04310-M0005C-13-1,682BoundstoneAcropora - tabularCoral algal boundstone. Cavities infilled with Halimeda. Corals: C2=tabular acropora in situ.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda
22.18310-M0005C-13-1,823MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite. Relatively thick ECR. Cavities infilled with Halimeda. Microbialite morphology, laminated. Coral: C2=tabular acropora in situ.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialitemoderate
22.44310-M0005C-13-2,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite debris (core disturbance). Corals: C1=branching pocillopora fragments.Microbialite, Pocillopora - branchinghighly
22.98310-M0005C-14-1,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite. With tabular corals and encrusting red algae. Microbialite morphology, laminated. Corals: C1=tabular acropora.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Microbialitehighly
24.33310-M0005C-15-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral-algal-microbialite framework. Branching and ?tabular corals in growth position with several relatively thick, crusts of coralline algae, then crusts of well laminated microbialites. In several places Halimeda and otherbioclasts in cavities. Microbialite morphology. Dominantly laminated, some with dendritic morphology above the laminated. Where only laminated: smooth surface. Corals: C1=branching porites in situ, C2=tabular acropora in situ.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - branching
25.77310-M0005C-15-2,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral-algal-microbialite framework. Branching corals in growth position topped by relatively thick crusts of coralline red algae, then crusts of microbialite, Halimeda mainly in open vugs, bioerosion.Corals: C1=branching porites in situ. Microbialite morphology, dominantly laminated, dendritic on top in open vugs.Gastropod, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - branchingheavy
26.21310-M0005C-15-3,01MicrobialiteMicrobialiteMicrobialite, laminated. C1=branching porites in situ.Encrusting coraline algae, Halimeda, Microbialite, Porites - branching
26.34310-M0005C-16-1,01FrameworkMicrobialiteCoral-algal-microbialite framework. Succession of branching, encrusting and tabular corals and thick crusts of coralline algae (with vermetid gastropods) alternating with microbialite crusts. Infilling of cavities mainly by Halimeda.Corals: C1=branching porites in situ, C2=tabular acropora in situ, C3=encrusting montastrea in situ, C4=tabular acropora. Microbialite morphology, laminated.Acropora - tabular, encrusting coraline algae, Gastropod, Halimeda, Microbialite, Montastrea - encrusting, Porites - branchingmoderatemoderately