Biebow, Nicole; Hütten, E (2001): Bottom water chemistry in the Sea of Ochotsk [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Biebow, Nicole; Hütten, E; Wallmann, Klaus; Lammers, Stephan (2011): Geochemistry and documentation of water and sediment profiles from KOMEX I expedition [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2001-11-20 • DOI registered: 2005-04-02
Related to:
Biebow, Nicole; Hütten, E (1999): Cruise Reports: KOMEX I and II, RV Professor Gagarinsky Cruise 22, RV Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev Cruise 28. GEOMAR Report, GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, 82, 58+188 pp,
Median Latitude: 50.282712 * Median Longitude: 147.903702 * South-bound Latitude: 47.903383 * West-bound Longitude: 145.315167 * North-bound Latitude: 51.907683 * East-bound Longitude: 152.276667
Date/Time Start: 1998-08-12T13:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-08-31T20:28:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 665 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 1926 m
LV28-2-2 * Latitude: 48.362283 * Longitude: 146.034517 * Date/Time: 1998-08-12T13:45:00 * Elevation: -1286.0 m * Recovery: 0.36 m * Location: Sea of Okhotsk * Campaign: LV28 (KOMEX I) * Basis: Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: North/South Transect/8 cores, 30 - 36 cm/
LV28-4-3 * Latitude: 51.148283 * Longitude: 145.315167 * Date/Time: 1998-08-13T20:21:00 * Elevation: -675.0 m * Recovery: 0.46 m * Location: Sea of Okhotsk * Campaign: LV28 (KOMEX I) * Basis: Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: East/West Transect/8 cores, 37 - 46 cm/
LV28-40-3 * Latitude: 51.334783 * Longitude: 147.218167 * Date/Time: 1998-08-21T07:43:00 * Elevation: -1313.0 m * Recovery: 0.47 m * Location: Sea of Okhotsk * Campaign: LV28 (KOMEX I) * Basis: Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: East/West Transect cont./7 cores, 34 - 47 cm/
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
3 | Silicate | Si(OH)4 | µmol/l | Wallmann, Klaus | Photometry | |
4 | Phosphate | [PO4]3- | µmol/l | Wallmann, Klaus | Auto-analyzer | |
5 | Nitrate | [NO3]- | µmol/l | Wallmann, Klaus | Auto-analyzer | |
6 | Nitrite | [NO2]- | µmol/l | Wallmann, Klaus | Auto-analyzer | |
7 | Ammonium | [NH4]+ | µmol/l | Wallmann, Klaus | Auto-analyzer | |
8 | Oxygen | O2 | µmol/l | Wallmann, Klaus | Gas chromatography |
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45 data points