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Gamble, C (2001): Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Stadel im Hohlenstein [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Early Weichselian; Eemian; Late Pleistocene; Pleistocene; Pleistocene; Quarternary; Weichselian
Related to:
Gamble, C (1974): Hunting strategies in the central european palaeoltihic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 35-52
Gamble, C (1996): The Stadel-Hohlenstein reviseted. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum / The Role of early humans in the acc. of Euop. Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Bone assamblages
Hahn, Jürgen; Müller-Beck, H; Taute, W (1985): Eiszeithöhlen im Lonetal. Führer zu archäologischen Denkmälern in Baden-Württemberg, 3
Kunter, M; Wahl, J (1992): Das Femurfragment eines Neandertalers aus der Stadelhöhle des Hohlensteins im Lonetal. Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg, 17(1), 111-124
Latitude: 48.550000 * Longitude: 10.183000
Stadel_im_Hohlenstein (Hohlenstein-Stadel) * Latitude: 48.550000 * Longitude: 10.183000 * Comment: Asselfingen Die Schichtenfolge wird dadurch verkompliziert, daß viele Schichten ineinander verschachtelt waren, d.h.daß die Aufzählung keine vertikale Reihe darstellt.Einziger Neandertaler Fundplatz Südwestdeutschlands
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2StratigraphyStratigraphyCounting, mammalia
3Age, commentComm
4Age, minimum/youngAge minkaAge, 14C conventional
5Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaAge, 14C conventional
6Geologic age nameGeol age
7Facies name/codeFacies
8Sample commentSample comment
9Crocidura sp.Crocidura sp.Counting, mammalia
10Homo sapiens neanderthalensisH. sapiens neanderthalensisCounting, mammalia
11LagomorphaLagomorphaCounting, mammalia
12Lepus sp.Lepus sp.Counting, mammalia
13RodentiaRodentiaCounting, mammalia
14Marmota sp.Marmota sp.Counting, mammalia
15Hystrix sp.Hystrix sp.Counting, mammalia
16Alopex lagopusA. lagopusCounting, mammalia
17Canis lupusC. lupusCounting, mammalia
18Vulpes sp.Vulpes sp.Counting, mammalia
19Vulpes vulpesV. vulpesCounting, mammalia
20Ursus spelaeusU. spelaeusCounting, mammalia
21Gulo guloG. guloCounting, mammalia
22Martes foinaM. foinaCounting, mammalia
23Martes martesM. martesCounting, mammalia
24Meles melesM. melesCounting, mammalia
25Mustela sp.Mustela sp.Counting, mammalia
26Mustela ermineaM. ermineaCounting, mammalia
27Crocuta crocuta spelaeaC. crocuta spelaeaCounting, mammalia
28Felis sp.Felis sp.Counting, mammalia
29Felis silvestrisF. silvestrisCounting, mammalia
30Lynx lynxL. lynxCounting, mammalia
31Panthera leo spelaeaP. leo spelaeaCounting, mammalia
32Panthera pardusP. pardusCounting, mammalia
33Mammuthus primigeniusM. primigeniusCounting, mammalia
34Equus sp.Equus sp.Counting, mammalia
35Coelodonta antiquitatisC. antiquitatisCounting, mammalia
36Sus scrofaS. scrofaCounting, mammalia
37Alces alcesA. alcesCounting, mammalia
38Capreolus capreolusC. capreolusCounting, mammalia
39Cervus sp.Cervus sp.Counting, mammalia
40Cervus elaphusC. elaphusCounting, mammalia
41Megaloceros giganteusM. giganteusCounting, mammalia
42Rangifer tarandusR. tarandusCounting, mammalia
43Bos vel BisonB. vel BisonCounting, mammalia
201 data points

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