Gamble, C (2001): Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Stadel im Hohlenstein [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Related to:
Gamble, C (1974): Hunting strategies in the central european palaeoltihic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 35-52
Gamble, C (1996): The Stadel-Hohlenstein reviseted. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum / The Role of early humans in the acc. of Euop. Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Bone assamblages
Latitude: 48.550000 * Longitude: 10.183000
Stadel_im_Hohlenstein (Hohlenstein-Stadel) * Latitude: 48.550000 * Longitude: 10.183000 * Comment: Asselfingen Die Schichtenfolge wird dadurch verkompliziert, daß viele Schichten ineinander verschachtelt waren, d.h.daß die Aufzählung keine vertikale Reihe darstellt.Einziger Neandertaler Fundplatz Südwestdeutschlands
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | ORDINAL NUMBER | Ord No | Geocode | |||
2 | Stratigraphy | Stratigraphy | Counting, mammalia | |||
3 | Age, comment | Comm | ||||
4 | Age, minimum/young | Age min | ka | Age, 14C conventional | ||
5 | Age, maximum/old | Age max | ka | Age, 14C conventional | ||
6 | Geologic age name | Geol age | ||||
7 | Facies name/code | Facies | ||||
8 | Sample comment | Sample comment | ||||
9 | Crocidura sp. | Crocidura sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
10 | Homo sapiens neanderthalensis | H. sapiens neanderthalensis | Counting, mammalia | |||
11 | Lagomorpha | Lagomorpha | Counting, mammalia | |||
12 | Lepus sp. | Lepus sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
13 | Rodentia | Rodentia | Counting, mammalia | |||
14 | Marmota sp. | Marmota sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
15 | Hystrix sp. | Hystrix sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
16 | Alopex lagopus | A. lagopus | Counting, mammalia | |||
17 | Canis lupus | C. lupus | Counting, mammalia | |||
18 | Vulpes sp. | Vulpes sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
19 | Vulpes vulpes | V. vulpes | Counting, mammalia | |||
20 | Ursus spelaeus | U. spelaeus | Counting, mammalia | |||
21 | Gulo gulo | G. gulo | Counting, mammalia | |||
22 | Martes foina | M. foina | Counting, mammalia | |||
23 | Martes martes | M. martes | Counting, mammalia | |||
24 | Meles meles | M. meles | Counting, mammalia | |||
25 | Mustela sp. | Mustela sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
26 | Mustela erminea | M. erminea | Counting, mammalia | |||
27 | Crocuta crocuta spelaea | C. crocuta spelaea | Counting, mammalia | |||
28 | Felis sp. | Felis sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
29 | Felis silvestris | F. silvestris | Counting, mammalia | |||
30 | Lynx lynx | L. lynx | Counting, mammalia | |||
31 | Panthera leo spelaea | P. leo spelaea | Counting, mammalia | |||
32 | Panthera pardus | P. pardus | Counting, mammalia | |||
33 | Mammuthus primigenius | M. primigenius | Counting, mammalia | |||
34 | Equus sp. | Equus sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
35 | Coelodonta antiquitatis | C. antiquitatis | Counting, mammalia | |||
36 | Sus scrofa | S. scrofa | Counting, mammalia | |||
37 | Alces alces | A. alces | Counting, mammalia | |||
38 | Capreolus capreolus | C. capreolus | Counting, mammalia | |||
39 | Cervus sp. | Cervus sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
40 | Cervus elaphus | C. elaphus | Counting, mammalia | |||
41 | Megaloceros giganteus | M. giganteus | Counting, mammalia | |||
42 | Rangifer tarandus | R. tarandus | Counting, mammalia | |||
43 | Bos vel Bison | B. vel Bison | Counting, mammalia |
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201 data points