Germonpre, M; Leclerq, M (2001): Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Zemst Bos van A [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2001-11-14 • DOI registered: 2005-04-02
Related to:
Germonpre, M (1985): Bovenpleistocene zoogdieren uit het Bos van A (Zemst, Belgie). Cranium, 2, 10-11
Germonpre, M (1985): Some preliminary results on the Upper Pleistocene mammals of the Bos van A at Zemst (Brabant, Belgium). Lutra, 28, 113-120
Germonpre, M (1986): An anomalous reindeer Rangifer tarandus (L., 1758) skull from the Lower Weichselian at the Bos van A, Zemst (Brabant, Belgium). Lutra, 29, 320-324
Germonpre, M (1989): De boven-pleistocene zoogdieren uit de oostelijke uitloper van de Vlaamse Vallei (Belgie) [dissertation]. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 234 pp + 204 pp
Germonpre, M (1993): Osteometric data on Late Pleistocene mammals from the Flemish Valley, Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het KBIN, 72, 135 pp
Germonpre, M (1993): Taphonomy of Pleistocene mammal assemblages of the Flemish Valley, Belgium. Bulletin/Sciences de la terre; Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 63, 271-309
Germonpre, M; Bogemans, F; Van Neer, W; Grün, R (1993): The dating of two pleistocene mammal assemblages from the Flemish Valley, Belgium. Contributions to tertiary and quaternary geology, 30, 147-153
Latitude: 50.987170 * Longitude: 4.390800
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | ORDINAL NUMBER | Ord No | Geocode | |||
2 | Stratigraphy | Stratigraphy | Counting, mammalia | |||
3 | Age, comment | Comm | ||||
4 | Geologic age name | Geol age | ||||
5 | Facies name/code | Facies | ||||
6 | Sample comment | Sample comment | ||||
7 | Lepus sp. | Lepus sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
8 | Rodentia | Rodentia | Counting, mammalia | |||
9 | Castor fiber | C. fiber | Counting, mammalia | |||
10 | Dicrostonyx torquatus | D. torquatus | Counting, mammalia | |||
11 | Carnivora | Carnivora | Counting, mammalia | |||
12 | Alopex vel Vulpes | A. vel Vulpes | Counting, mammalia | |||
13 | Canis lupus | C. lupus | Counting, mammalia | |||
14 | Ursus arctos | U. arctos | Counting, mammalia | |||
15 | Meles meles | M. meles | Counting, mammalia | |||
16 | Putorius sp. | Putorius sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
17 | Crocuta crocuta spelaea | C. crocuta spelaea | Counting, mammalia | |||
18 | Panthera leo spelaea | P. leo spelaea | Counting, mammalia | |||
19 | Elephas (Palaeoloxodon) antiquus | E. antiquus | Counting, mammalia | |||
20 | Mammuthus primigenius | M. primigenius | Counting, mammalia | |||
21 | Equus sp. | Equus sp. | Counting, mammalia | |||
22 | Rhinocerotidae | Rhinocerotidae | Counting, mammalia | |||
23 | Coelodonta antiquitatis | C. antiquitatis | Counting, mammalia | |||
24 | Sus scrofa | S. scrofa | Counting, mammalia | |||
25 | Capreolus capreolus | C. capreolus | Counting, mammalia | |||
26 | Cervus elaphus | C. elaphus | Counting, mammalia | |||
27 | Megaloceros giganteus | M. giganteus | Counting, mammalia | |||
28 | Rangifer tarandus | R. tarandus | Counting, mammalia | |||
29 | Bos vel Bison | B. vel Bison | Counting, mammalia |
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52 data points