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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Ríos, Aida F (2007): Underway carbon dioxide in the Atlantic Ocean of Hespérides cruise 29HE20051019 (Ficaram 8) [dataset]. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2007-08-01DOI registered: 2011-10-20

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Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), grant/award no. 511176: Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment
Median Latitude: -6.395083 * Median Longitude: -33.676142 * South-bound Latitude: -53.179100 * West-bound Longitude: -70.907000 * North-bound Latitude: 36.410900 * East-bound Longitude: -3.308600
Date/Time Start: 2005-10-19T10:58:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-11-22T20:26:00
29HE20051019-EQL-track (Ficaram 8) * Latitude Start: 36.410900 * Longitude Start: -3.308600 * Latitude End: -53.179100 * Longitude End: -70.907000 * Date/Time Start: 2005-10-19T10:58:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-11-22T20:26:00 * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: 29HE20051019 * Basis: Hespérides * Method/Device: Equilibrator (EQL)
63987 data points

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