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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Sarnthein, Michael (2007): Radiocarbon Ages on benthic foraminifera of sediment core MD01-2416 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2007-05-21DOI registered: 2010-06-09

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Latitude: 51.268000 * Longitude: 167.725000
Date/Time Start: 2001-06-09T20:05:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-06-09T20:05:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.880 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.775 m
MD01-2416 (MD012416) * Latitude: 51.268000 * Longitude: 167.725000 * Date/Time: 2001-06-09T20:05:00 * Elevation: -2317.0 m * Recovery: 44.75 m * Location: Emperor Seamounts * Campaign: MD122 (IMAGES VII - WEPAMA) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1995) * Method/Device: Giant piston corer (GPC) * Comment: Pilot core (trigger core) available: see MD01-2416PC
86 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:

Depth sed [m]


Dated material

Age dated [ka]
(Age, 14C AMS)

Age dated [ka]
(Age, AMS 14C milieu/reservoir...)

Age e - [ka -]

Age e + [ka +]

Cal age [ka BP]
(Age, calculated calendar years)

Res effect [a]
(Calculated, see reference(s))
0.880KIAmixed benthics13.65513.2050.0550.05514.2761415
0.955KIAmixed benthics14.03013.5800.0700.07014.7981925
1.105KIAmixed benthics14.79014.4900.0700.07015.6001930
1.150KIAmixed benthics14.92014.6200.0700.07015.7802015
1.200KIAmixed benthics15.23014.9300.0800.08015.9802100
1.305KIAmixed benthics15.42015.1200.0800.08016.4002620
1.365KIAmixed benthics15.46015.1600.0800.08016.6402670
1.405KIAmixed benthics15.96015.6600.0900.10016.8002465
1.513KIAmixed benthics16.9000.0800.08016.975
1.630KIAmixed benthics16.96015.8100.1600.16017.3653800
1.775KIAmixed benthics17.86016.7100.1000.10017.8503630