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Weigmann, Renate (1974): Distribution of euphausiids (Crustacea) at the Great Meteor seamount, Atlantic Ocean [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Weigmann, R (1974): Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen der Euphausiaceen (Crustacea) im Bereich der Großen Meteorbank. Meteor Forschungsergebnisse, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Reihe D Biologie, Gebrüder Bornträger, Berlin, Stuttgart, D17, 17-32

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Published: 1974 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2007-07-05

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In the course of the voyages 9a and 9c (1967) and 19 (1970) of the RV "Meteor" samples of plankton and neuston have been taken in the area of the Great Meteor Seamount. The euphausiids of this material have been examined quantitatively as well as qualitatively in order to study the influence of the Great and Small Meteor Seamount on a vertically migrating group of plankton. 20 species could be identified. All stem from the surrounding deep water and belong to the tropical and subtropical fauna. On the plateau of the Great Meteor Seamount no indigenous species have been encountered and also the typical neritic species from the west coast off Africa are lacking. As for the euphausiids no relationships exist between the Great Meteor Seamount and the shelf area of West Africa. The dominant species around the Meteor Seamount were Euphausia brevii, Stylocheiron suhmii, E. hemigibba, S. longicorne and Thysanopoda subaequalis.
Using the index of diversity (Simpson) distinct differences in the composition of species could be shown to exist between the plateau area of the Meteor Seamount and the surrounding sea. On the plateau of the Great Meteor Seamount the number of species was only 7, E. brevis and S. suhmii dominated. None of the species occurred in great numbers and none is adapted to the specific environmental conditions of the plateau of the Meteor Seamount. The fauna of the plateau is a depauperate one as compared with that of the surrounding sea. This can be explained by the fact that adult euphausiids require for their existence greater water depths than are found above the plateau of the Meteor Seamount.
Median Latitude: 32.165648 * Median Longitude: -23.810426 * South-bound Latitude: 29.083333 * West-bound Longitude: -29.183333 * North-bound Latitude: 36.816667 * East-bound Longitude: -14.200000
Date/Time Start: 1967-04-12T05:55:00 * Date/Time End: 1974-02-16T00:00:00
M9a_NET003 * Latitude: 30.350000 * Longitude: -28.283333 * Date/Time: 1967-04-12T05:55:00 * Elevation: -3000.0 m * Location: Cape Blanc/Meteor Bank/Portugal * Campaign: M9 (Atlantische Kuppenfahrten 1967/4-7) * Basis: Meteor (1964) * Method/Device: Towed zooplankton net (HAI) * Comment: sampling depth (m) 0-100-0
M9a_NET005 * Latitude: 29.783333 * Longitude: -28.566667 * Date/Time: 1967-04-12T22:50:00 * Elevation: -2000.0 m * Location: Cape Blanc/Meteor Bank/Portugal * Campaign: M9 (Atlantische Kuppenfahrten 1967/4-7) * Basis: Meteor (1964) * Method/Device: Towed zooplankton net (HAI) * Comment: sampling depth (m) 0-100-0
M9a_NET006 * Latitude: 29.666667 * Longitude: -28.616667 * Date/Time: 1967-04-13T03:35:00 * Elevation: -3300.0 m * Location: Cape Blanc/Meteor Bank/Portugal * Campaign: M9 (Atlantische Kuppenfahrten 1967/4-7) * Basis: Meteor (1964) * Method/Device: Towed zooplankton net (HAI) * Comment: sampling depth (m) 0-100-0
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