Ruth, Urs (2007): (Table S2) Volcano-stratigraphic synchronisation B32 vs. EDML vs. EDC, Antarctica [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Ruth, Urs; Barnola, Jean-Marc; Beer, Jürg; Bigler, Matthias; Blunier, Thomas; Castellano, Emiliano; Fischer, Hubertus; Fundel, Felix; Huybrechts, Philippe; Kaufmann, Patrik R; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Lambrecht, Anja; Morganti, Andrea; Oerter, Hans; Parrenin, Frédéric; Rybak, Oleg; Severi, Mirko; Udisti, Roberto; Wilhelms, Frank; Wolff, Eric William (2007): EDML1: a chronology for the EPICA deep ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, over the last 150 000 years. Climate of the Past, 3, 475-484,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2007-01-29 • DOI registered: 2007-09-06
Related to:
Severi, Mirko; Becagli, Silvia; Castellano, Emiliano; Morganti, Andrea; Traversi, Rita; Udisti, Roberto; Ruth, Urs; Fischer, Hubertus; Huybrechts, Philippe; Wolff, Eric William; Parrenin, Frédéric; Kaufmann, Patrik R; Lambert, Fabrice; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder (2007): Synchronisation of the EDML and EDC ice cores for the last 52 kyr by volcanic signature matching. Climate of the Past, 3, 367-374,
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5), grant/award no. EVK2-CT-2000-00077: European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. ENV4980702: European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
Latitude: -75.002500 * Longitude: 0.068400
Date/Time Start: 2001-01-10T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2006-01-17T00:00:00
EDML (EPICA Dronning Maud Land, DML28C01_00) * Latitude: -75.002500 * Longitude: 0.068400 * Date/Time Start: 2001-01-10T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2006-01-17T00:00:00 * Elevation: 2891.7 m * Recovery: 2774.15 m * Campaign: EPICA-Campaigns * Basis: Kohnen Station * Method/Device: EPICA drill (EDRILL) * Comment: Elevation is given with reference to WGS84
Data used: B32-SO4 (Traufetter et al 2004), EDML-DEP (Wilhelms), EDC96-SO4 (Udisti).
EDML-Depth assignments: Some depth assignents for the same volcanic events deviated in the the EDML data sets of DEP, IC-SO4 and FIC-SO4. To overcome this, the average depth was calculated from DEP and IC-SO4, thus omitting the FIC-SO4, which in 2002 did not yet consider missing core at breaks. All three depths are listed here for documentation.
B32-Year: The date was manually chosen from Traufetter et al 2004 (see DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.601853), H. Fischer pers com 2005-10-12, F. Fundel pers com, R. Udisti pers com; usually there was only a small discrepancy between the 3 dates given, and usually the average date was taken. The selection of events and assignments of dates to be used as primary dating information for EDML1/EDC3 was agreed upon by AWI and Florence.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | ORDINAL NUMBER | Ord No | Geocode | |||
2 | Depth, reconstructed | Reconstr depth | m | Ruth, Urs | Dielectric profiling, DEP | |
3 | Depth, reconstructed | Reconstr depth | m | Ruth, Urs | Ion chromatography | IC-SO4 |
4 | Depth, reconstructed | Reconstr depth | m | Ruth, Urs | Fast ion chromatography | FIC-SO4 |
5 | Depth, reconstructed | Reconstr depth | m | Ruth, Urs | Calculated | mean from DEP and SO4 |
6 | Depth, reference | Depth ref | m | Ruth, Urs | B32 | |
7 | Depth, reference | Depth ref | m | Ruth, Urs | EDC96 | |
8 | Age | Age | a AD/CE | Ruth, Urs | B32 | |
9 | Age | Age | a AD/CE | Ruth, Urs | Age model, ice flow model | EDML1 time scale |
10 | Age model | Age model | ka | Ruth, Urs | Age model, ice flow model | EDML1 time scale |
11 | Area/locality | Area | Ruth, Urs | Name of volcano; see Traufetter et al 2004, table 1 | ||
12 | Sample, optional label/labor no | Lab no | Ruth, Urs | see Traufetter et al 2004, table 1 |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
221 data points
1 Ord No | 2 Reconstr depth [m] (Dielectric profiling, DEP) | 3 Reconstr depth [m] (IC-SO4, Ion chromatography) | 4 Reconstr depth [m] (FIC-SO4, Fast ion chromatography) | 5 Reconstr depth [m] (mean from DEP and SO4, Calcul...) | 6 Depth ref [m] (B32) | 7 Depth ref [m] (EDC96) | 8 Age [a AD/CE] (B32) | 9 Age [a AD/CE] (EDML1 time scale, Age model, ...) | 10 Age model [ka] (EDML1 time scale, Age model, ...) | 11 Area (Name of volcano; see Traufett...) | 12 Lab no (see Traufetter et al 2004, ta...) |
1 | 6.77 | 3.80 | 1964 | Agung | 4 | ||||||
2 | 17.19 | 17.19 | 16.29 | 8.35 | 1884 | 1884 | 0.066 | Krakatau | 8 | ||
3 | 18.92 | 9.54 | 1862 | ||||||||
4 | 21.72 | 11.23 | 1835 | ||||||||
5 | 24.94 | 24.94 | 23.80 | 12.34 | 1816 | 1816 | 0.134 | Tambora | 10 | ||
6 | 24.51 | 12.68 | 1810 | ||||||||
7 | 35.87 | 18.62 | 1696 | ||||||||
8 | 37.79 | 19.70 | 1675 | ||||||||
9 | 40.75 | 21.25 | 1639 | ||||||||
10 | 42.55 | 22.20 | 1620 | ||||||||
11 | 46.10 | 46.10 | 44.35 | 23.20 | 1601 | 1601 | 0.349 | Huaynaputina | 17 | ||
12 | 59.11 | 59.11 | 56.80 | 29.77 | 1458 | 1458 | 0.492 | Kuwae | 20 | ||
13 | 66.02 | 34.55 | 1342 | ||||||||
14 | 70.62 | 36.96 | 1284 | ||||||||
15 | 71.24 | 37.23 | 1277 | ||||||||
16 | 71.81 | 37.64 | 1269 | ||||||||
17 | 75.38 | 75.38 | 72.57 | 38.12 | 1259 | 1259 | 0.691 | unknown/El Chichon? | 26 | ||
18 | 77.67 | 77.67 | 74.72 | 39.22 | 1228 | 1231 | 0.719 | unidentified | 27 | ||
19 | 77.66 | 40.79 | 1190 | ||||||||
20 | 82.32 | 82.32 | 79.23 | 41.52 | 1171 | 1171 | 0.779 | unknown | 29 | ||
21 | 83.82 | 44.09 | 1108 | unidentified | 31 | ||||||
22 | 109.02 | 57.83 | 748 | ||||||||
23 | 117.74 | 117.71 | 117.73 | 113.37 | 60.42 | 686 | 694 | 1.256 | unidentified | 36 | |
24 | 125.26 | 125.22 | 125.25 | 125.24 | 120.60 | 64.20 | 579 | 595 | 1.355 | unidentified | 39 |
25 | 127.65 | 127.64 | 127.66 | 127.65 | 122.95 | 65.31 | 543 | 567 | 1.383 | Rabaul? | 40 |
26 | 130.91 | 130.90 | 130.94 | 130.92 | 125.89 | 67.20 | 499 | 515 | 1.435 | unidentified | 41 |
27 | 134.68 | 134.70 | 134.69 | 134.69 | 129.70 | 69.15 | 443 | 460 | 1.490 | unidentified | 42 |
28 | 143.59 | 143.58 | 143.60 | 143.59 | 138.28 | 73.58 | 315 | 333 | 1.617 | unidentified | 45 |
29 | 146.22 | 146.17 | 146.27 | 146.22 | 140.87 | 74.88 | 279 | 294 | 1.656 | Pelee? | 46 |
30 | 148.26 | 148.22 | 148.22 | 148.23 | 142.86 | 75.79 | 251 | 267 | 1.683 | unidentified | 47 |
31 | 150.40 | 150.37 | 150.47 | 150.41 | 144.91 | 76.85 | 222 | 235 | 1.715 | unidentified | 48 |
32 | 152.82 | 152.81 | 152.94 | 152.86 | 147.30 | 78.02 | 187 | 199 | 1.751 | Taupo | 49 |