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Schweingruber, Fritz Hans (2007): Tree-ring measurements of Picea glauca (White spruce) from sample WILLOW-21 [dataset]. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, PANGAEA,

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Latitude: 64.500000 * Longitude: -148.100000
Minimum Elevation: 99.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 99.0 m
WILLOW * Latitude: 64.500000 * Longitude: -148.100000 * Elevation: 99.0 m * Location: Willow Island, USA * Campaign: WDD * Method/Device: Tree ring sampling (TREE) * Comment: Slope 0 deg; Geology: Sand-Silt Alluvion; Tree line 720 m; av. Tree height 30 m; Tree cover 60%; Shrub cover 70%; Herb cover 50%; Moss cover 90%; Vegatation type: Alt. Best. in mäand. Flusssys. Sehr Nährst. r; Film number: 759A
Species PCGL; No of rings 166; Begin 1818; End 1983
1494 data points

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