Schweingruber, Fritz Hans; Feiertag, Belinda (2007): Tree-ring measurements of Larix sibirica (Siberian larch) from sample KOZHLASI-391 [dataset]. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, PANGAEA,
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Latitude: 65.270000 * Longitude: 60.350000
Minimum Elevation: 400.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 400.0 m
KOZHLASI * Latitude: 65.270000 * Longitude: 60.350000 * Elevation: 400.0 m * Location: Kozhim, Russia * Campaign: WDD * Method/Device: Tree ring sampling (TREE) * Comment: Exposition E; Slope 50 deg; Geology: Pseudopodsol on clay und ston; Tree line 600 m; av. Tree height 15 m; Tree cover 60%; Shrub cover 90%; Herb cover 60%; Moss cover 90%; Vegatation type: Lariceetum fruticuloso hylocomiosum; Film number: 1009A
Species LASI; No of rings 274; Begin 1658; End 1931
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | AGE | Age | ka BP | Geocode | ||
2 | Age | Age | a AD/CE | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
3 | Density, minimum | N | 1/100 g/cm3 | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
4 | Density, maximum | X | 1/100 g/cm3 | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
5 | Earlywood width | E | 1/100 mm | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
6 | Latewood width | L | 1/100 mm | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
7 | Tree ring width | TRW | 1/100 mm | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
8 | Earlywood density | I | 1/1000 g/cm3 | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
9 | Latewood density | T | 1/1000 g/cm3 | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | ||
10 | Approximate age of pith | Age_pith | a | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans |
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