Esper, Oliver; Versteegh, Gerard J M; Zonneveld, Karin A F; Willems, Helmut (2004): Abundance of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts of sediment core GeoB3603-2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Esper, O et al. (2004): A palynological reconstruction of the Agulhas Retroflection (South Atlantic Ocean) during the Late Quaternary. Global and Planetary Change, 41, 31-62,
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Published: 2004-04-16 • DOI registered: 2005-04-07
Here, we reconstruct the varying influence of the Agulhas Current (AgC), the South Atlantic Current and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current on the Agulhas Retroflection (AgR) in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean for the last 160,000 years on the basis of the dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores present in a sediment core (GeoB 3603-2) from the southeastern Cape Basin offshore South Africa, where the Agulhas Current enters the Atlantic Ocean. Our analyses reveal strong orbital forcing on the heat exchange between the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic Ocean during the Late Quaternary. Maxima in local productivity appear to be primarily related to a strengthening of the ocean circulation as a result of the high seasonal contrast during precession maxima. During precession minima, seasonal contrast was low and stratified, oligo- to mesotrophic conditions prevailed, notably when these minima coincided with the glacial terminations. The clear presence of periodicities on a sub-Milankovitch scale as well as modulations of the primary frequencies demonstrate that the Agulhas Retroflection furthermore is modulated substantially by complex interactions between the subtropical, 'precession-driven', climate and ocean circulation systems, and the southern, 'obliquity-driven', high latitudes.
Related to:
Esper, Oliver (2001): Reconstruction of Recent and Late Quaternary oceanographic conditions in the Eastern South Atlantic Ocean based on calcareous- and organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 189, 130 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103156
Latitude: -35.125000 * Longitude: 17.543333
Date/Time Start: 1996-01-04T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-01-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.025 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 4.975 m
GeoB3603-2 * Latitude: -35.125000 * Longitude: 17.543333 * Date/Time: 1996-01-04T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2840.0 m * Recovery: 11.3 m * Location: Southern Cape Basin * Campaign: M34/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: CC: carbonate ooze. upper 5 cm lost
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Brigantedinium | Brigantedinium | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
3 | Brigantedinium cariacoense | B. cariacoense | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
4 | Brigantedinium simplex | B. simplex | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
5 | Selenopemphix alticinctum | S. alticinctum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
6 | Trinovantedinium capitatum | T. capitatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
7 | Echinidinium spp. | Echinidinium spp. | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
8 | Echinidinium aculeatum | E. aculeatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
9 | Echinidinium delicatum | E. delicatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
10 | Echinidinium granulatum | E. granulatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
11 | Echinidinium transparantum | E. transparantum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
12 | Multispinula quanta | M. quanta | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
13 | Stelladinium robustum | S. robustum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
14 | Stelladinium stellatum | S. stellatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
15 | Pentapharsodinium dalei | P. dalei | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
16 | Polykrikos kofoidii | P. kofoidii | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
17 | Bitectatodinium spongium | B. spongium | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
18 | Bitectatodinium tepikiense | B. tepikiense | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
19 | Polyspaeridium zoharyi | P. zoharyi | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
20 | Pyxidinopsis reticulata | P. reticulata | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
21 | Tuberculodinium vancampoae | T. vancampoae | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
22 | Dalella chathamensis | D. chathamensis | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
23 | Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus | N. labyrinthus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
24 | Impagidinium sp. | Impagidinium sp. | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
25 | Impagidinium aculeatum | I. aculeatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
26 | Impagidinium pallidum | I. pallidum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
27 | Impagidinium paradoxum | I. paradoxum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
28 | Impagidinium patulum | I. patulum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
29 | Impagidinium plicatum | I. plicatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
30 | Impagidinium sphaericum | I. sphaericum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
31 | Impagidinium strialatum | I. strialatum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
32 | Impagidinium variaseptum | I. variaseptum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
33 | Impagidinium velorum | I. velorum | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
34 | Lingulodinium machaerophorum long | L. machaerophorum long | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
35 | Protoceratium reticulatum long | P. reticulatum long | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
36 | Protoceratium reticulatum short | P. reticulatum short | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
37 | Operculodinium israelianum long | O. israelianum long | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
38 | Operculodinium israelianum short | O. israelianum short | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
39 | Operculodinium janduchenei | O. janduchenei | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
40 | Spiniferites | Spiniferites | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
41 | Spiniferites bentori | S. bentori | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
42 | Spiniferites delicatus | S. delicatus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
43 | Spiniferites elongatus | S. elongatus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
44 | Spiniferites hyperacanthus | S. hyperacanthus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
45 | Spiniferites membranaceus | S. membranaceus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
46 | Spiniferites mirabilis | S. mirabilis | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
47 | Spiniferites pachydermus | S. pachydermus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
48 | Spiniferites ramosus | S. ramosus | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
49 | Dinoflagellate cyst indeterminata | Dinofl indet | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
50 | Dinoflagellate cyst reworked | Dinofl cyst rew | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
51 | Pollen, total | Pollen tot | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
52 | Pollen, taeniate, bisaccate indeterminata | Pollen taen/bisac indet | # | Esper, Oliver | Counting, palynology | |
53 | Sample mass | Samp m | g | Esper, Oliver | see reference(s) | |
54 | Sample volume | Samp vol | l | Esper, Oliver | see reference(s) | |
55 | Slide volume | slide vol | ml | Esper, Oliver | see reference(s) |
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