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Esper, Oliver; Versteegh, Gerard J M; Zonneveld, Karin A F; Willems, Helmut (2004): Abundance of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts of sediment core GeoB3603-2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Esper, O et al. (2004): A palynological reconstruction of the Agulhas Retroflection (South Atlantic Ocean) during the Late Quaternary. Global and Planetary Change, 41, 31-62,

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Published: 2004-04-16DOI registered: 2005-04-07

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Here, we reconstruct the varying influence of the Agulhas Current (AgC), the South Atlantic Current and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current on the Agulhas Retroflection (AgR) in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean for the last 160,000 years on the basis of the dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores present in a sediment core (GeoB 3603-2) from the southeastern Cape Basin offshore South Africa, where the Agulhas Current enters the Atlantic Ocean. Our analyses reveal strong orbital forcing on the heat exchange between the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic Ocean during the Late Quaternary. Maxima in local productivity appear to be primarily related to a strengthening of the ocean circulation as a result of the high seasonal contrast during precession maxima. During precession minima, seasonal contrast was low and stratified, oligo- to mesotrophic conditions prevailed, notably when these minima coincided with the glacial terminations. The clear presence of periodicities on a sub-Milankovitch scale as well as modulations of the primary frequencies demonstrate that the Agulhas Retroflection furthermore is modulated substantially by complex interactions between the subtropical, 'precession-driven', climate and ocean circulation systems, and the southern, 'obliquity-driven', high latitudes.
Related to:
Esper, Oliver (2001): Reconstruction of Recent and Late Quaternary oceanographic conditions in the Eastern South Atlantic Ocean based on calcareous- and organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 189, 130 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103156
Latitude: -35.125000 * Longitude: 17.543333
Date/Time Start: 1996-01-04T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-01-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.025 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 4.975 m
GeoB3603-2 * Latitude: -35.125000 * Longitude: 17.543333 * Date/Time: 1996-01-04T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2840.0 m * Recovery: 11.3 m * Location: Southern Cape Basin * Campaign: M34/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: CC: carbonate ooze. upper 5 cm lost
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2BrigantediniumBrigantedinium#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
3Brigantedinium cariacoenseB. cariacoense#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
4Brigantedinium simplexB. simplex#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
5Selenopemphix alticinctumS. alticinctum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
6Trinovantedinium capitatumT. capitatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
7Echinidinium spp.Echinidinium spp.#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
8Echinidinium aculeatumE. aculeatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
9Echinidinium delicatumE. delicatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
10Echinidinium granulatumE. granulatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
11Echinidinium transparantumE. transparantum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
12Multispinula quantaM. quanta#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
13Stelladinium robustumS. robustum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
14Stelladinium stellatumS. stellatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
15Pentapharsodinium daleiP. dalei#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
16Polykrikos kofoidiiP. kofoidii#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
17Bitectatodinium spongiumB. spongium#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
18Bitectatodinium tepikienseB. tepikiense#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
19Polyspaeridium zoharyiP. zoharyi#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
20Pyxidinopsis reticulataP. reticulata#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
21Tuberculodinium vancampoaeT. vancampoae#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
22Dalella chathamensisD. chathamensis#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
23Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthusN. labyrinthus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
24Impagidinium sp.Impagidinium sp.#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
25Impagidinium aculeatumI. aculeatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
26Impagidinium pallidumI. pallidum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
27Impagidinium paradoxumI. paradoxum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
28Impagidinium patulumI. patulum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
29Impagidinium plicatumI. plicatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
30Impagidinium sphaericumI. sphaericum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
31Impagidinium strialatumI. strialatum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
32Impagidinium variaseptumI. variaseptum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
33Impagidinium velorumI. velorum#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
34Lingulodinium machaerophorum longL. machaerophorum long#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
35Protoceratium reticulatum longP. reticulatum long#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
36Protoceratium reticulatum shortP. reticulatum short#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
37Operculodinium israelianum longO. israelianum long#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
38Operculodinium israelianum shortO. israelianum short#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
39Operculodinium janducheneiO. janduchenei#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
40SpiniferitesSpiniferites#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
41Spiniferites bentoriS. bentori#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
42Spiniferites delicatusS. delicatus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
43Spiniferites elongatusS. elongatus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
44Spiniferites hyperacanthusS. hyperacanthus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
45Spiniferites membranaceusS. membranaceus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
46Spiniferites mirabilisS. mirabilis#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
47Spiniferites pachydermusS. pachydermus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
48Spiniferites ramosusS. ramosus#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
49Dinoflagellate cyst indeterminataDinofl indet#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
50Dinoflagellate cyst reworkedDinofl cyst rew#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
51Pollen, totalPollen tot#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
52Pollen, taeniate, bisaccate indeterminataPollen taen/bisac indet#Esper, OliverCounting, palynology
53Sample massSamp mgEsper, Oliversee reference(s)
54Sample volumeSamp vollEsper, Oliversee reference(s)
55Slide volumeslide volmlEsper, Oliversee reference(s)
5400 data points

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