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Bondarev, Vladimir N; Kosheleva, Vera A (2007): Light mineral composition of 0.100-0.050 mm size fraction fraction of sediments from Hole AMIGE-1993-165 drilled in the Barents Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Latitude: 76.076000 * Longitude: 48.801800
Date/Time Start: 1993-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.10 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 71.50 m
AMIGE-1993-165 * Latitude: 76.076000 * Longitude: 48.801800 * Date/Time: 1993-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -191.0 m * Penetration: 71.5 m * Recovery: 71.5 m * Location: Barents Sea * Campaign: AMIGE-1993 * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmKosheleva, Vera A
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmKosheleva, Vera A
4Size fraction 0.100-0.050 mm100-50 µm%Kosheleva, Vera AGrain size, sieving/settling tube
5Light mineralsLM%Kosheleva, Vera ASeparation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid
6Light mineral grainsLM grains#Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
7QuartzQz%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
8KalifeldsparKfs%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
9MicroclineMc%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
10Plagioclase, acidPl acid%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
11Plagioclase, basic/middlePl bas/mid%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
12MuscoviteMs%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
13Biotite, lightBt L%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
14Chlorite, lightChl L%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
15GlauconiteGlt%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
16Carbonates lightCarb L%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
17Quartz-silica aggregatesQz-Sil aggr%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
18LepidocrociteLepidocrocite%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
19Volcanic glassVolc glass%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
20Iron-micaceous aggregatesFe-mica aggr%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
21Opal particlesOpal%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
22Nonidentified, altered, lightNonident alt light%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
23DolomiteDol%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
24Mica, weatheredMica weath%Kosheleva, Vera ACounting, Stereo Microscope
25Light minerals, sumLM sum%Kosheleva, Vera ACalculated
1296 data points

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