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Bornemann, Horst; Kreyscher, Martin; Ramdohr, Sven; Martin, Thomas; Carlini, Alejandro R; Sellmann, Lutz; Plötz, Joachim (2000): At surface behaviour of juvenile and female southern elephant seals from King George Island from expeditions JUB1996 and JUB1997 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Bornemann, H et al. (2000): Southern elephant seal movements and Antarctic sea ice. Antarctic Science, 12(1), 3-15,

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Published: 2000 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2007-02-05

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Between December 1996 and February 1997, weaned pups and postmoult female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) were fitted with satellite transmitters at King George Island (South Shetlands). Of the nine adult females tracked for more than two months, three stayed in a localized area between the South Shetlands and the South Orkneys. The other six females travelled southwest along the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula up to the Bellingshausen Sea. Two of them then moved far northeast and hauled out on South Georgia in October. One female was last located north of the South Shetlands in March 1998. In total, eight females were again sighted on King George Island and six of the transmitters removed. The tracks of the weaners contrasted with those of the adults. In January, five juveniles left King George Island for the Pacific sector ranging about four weeks in the open sea west of the De Gerlache Seamounts. Three of them returned to the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula in June, of which one was last located on the Patagonian Shelf in November 1997. A computer animation was developed to visualize the animal movements in relation to the extent and concentration of sea ice. The juveniles avoided sea ice while the adults did not. The latter displayed behavioural differences in using the pack ice habitat during winter. Some females adjusted their movement patterns to the pulsating sea ice fringe in far-distant foraging areas while others ranged in closed pack ice of up to 100 %. The feeding grounds of adult female elephant seals are more closely associated with the pack ice zone than previously assumed.
Median Latitude: -64.375806 * Median Longitude: -66.867287 * South-bound Latitude: -75.210000 * West-bound Longitude: -108.014000 * North-bound Latitude: -53.074000 * East-bound Longitude: -37.188000
Date/Time Start: 1996-12-04T00:35:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-03-14T07:47:00
JUB1996_sel_u_f_02 * Latitude Start: -62.840000 * Longitude Start: -58.240000 * Latitude End: -62.248000 * Longitude End: -58.684000 * Date/Time Start: 1996-12-01T19:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-12-12T00:00:00 * Location: Southern Ocean - Atlantic Sector * Campaign: JUB1996 * Basis: Dallmann Laboratory * Method/Device: Marine endotherm (MET) * Comment: Mirounga leonina, underyearling female
JUB1996_sel_u_f_05 * Latitude Start: -62.840000 * Longitude Start: -58.240000 * Latitude End: -65.924000 * Longitude End: -94.137000 * Date/Time Start: 1996-12-10T17:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-02-17T18:00:00 * Location: Southern Ocean - Atlantic Sector * Campaign: JUB1996 * Basis: Dallmann Laboratory * Method/Device: Marine endotherm (MET) * Comment: Mirounga leonina, underyearling female
JUB1996_sel_u_f_06 * Latitude Start: -62.840000 * Longitude Start: -58.240000 * Latitude End: -54.525000 * Longitude End: -57.958000 * Date/Time Start: 1996-12-15T16:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-11-03T18:00:00 * Location: Southern Ocean - Atlantic Sector * Campaign: JUB1996 * Basis: Dallmann Laboratory * Method/Device: Marine endotherm (MET) * Comment: Mirounga leonina, underyearling female
21 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): Animation of juvenile and female southern elephant seal movements in relation to Antarctic sea ice cover.
  2. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_f_02 from King George Island.
  3. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_f_05 from King George Island.
  4. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_f_06 from King George Island.
  5. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_m_01 from King George Island.
  6. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_m_03 from King George Island.
  7. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_m_04 from King George Island.
  8. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1996_sel_u_m_07 from King George Island.
  9. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_01 from King George Island.
  10. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at high resolution of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_02 from King George Island.
  11. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_03 from King George Island.
  12. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at high resolution of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_04 from King George Island.
  13. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_05 from King George Island.
  14. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at high resolution of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_06 from King George Island.
  15. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_07 from King George Island.
  16. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at high resolution of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_08 from King George Island.
  17. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_09 from King George Island.
  18. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at high resolution of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_10 from King George Island.
  19. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at high resolution of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_11 from King George Island.
  20. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_12 from King George Island.
  21. Bornemann, H; Kreyscher, M; Ramdohr, S et al. (2000): At surface behaviour at location on spot of southern elephant seal JUB1997_sel_a_f_13 from King George Island.