Holz, Christine; Michels, Klaus (2001): Silt fractions of sediment core PS2813-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.58265, In supplement to: Holz, Christine (2001): Glazialmarine Sedimentationsprozesse am Kontinentalhang des westlichen Weddellmeeres. Diploma Thesis, Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, 70 pp, hdl:10013/epic.30824.d001
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Published: 2001-03-27 • DOI registered: 2005-04-07
Latitude: -66.730000 * Longitude: -50.000660
Date/Time Start: 1997-02-21T07:07:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-02-21T09:04:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.60 m
PS2813-1 (PS43/036) * Latitude: -66.730000 * Longitude: -50.000660 * Date/Time Start: 1997-02-21T07:07:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-02-21T09:04:00 * Elevation: -3499.0 m * Recovery: 10.64 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: ANT-XIV/3 (PS43) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Piston corer (Kiel type) (KOL) * Comment: 11 core sections: 0-0.64, 0.64-1.64, 1.64-2.64, 2.64-3.64, 3.64-4.64, 4.64-5.64, 5.64-6.64, 6.64-7.64, 7.64-8.64, 8.64-9.64, 9.64-10.64 m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Size fraction 62.500-58.315 µm, 4.0-4.1 phi | 4.0-4.1 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
3 | Size fraction 58.315-54.409 µm, 4.1-4.2 phi | 4.1-4.2 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
4 | Size fraction 54.409-50.766 µm, 4.2-4.3 phi | 4.2-4.3 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
5 | Size fraction 50.766-47.366 µm, 4.3-4.4 phi | 4.3-4.4 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
6 | Size fraction 47.366-44.194 µm, 4.4-4.5 phi | 4.4-4.5 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
7 | Size fraction 44.194-41.235 µm, 4.5-4.6 phi | 4.5-4.6 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
8 | Size fraction 41.235-38.473 µm, 4.6-4.7 phi | 4.6-4.7 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
9 | Size fraction 38.473-35.897 µm, 4.7-4.8 phi | 4.7-4.8 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
10 | Size fraction 35.897-33.493 µm, 4.8-4.9 phi | 4.8-4.9 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
11 | Size fraction 33.493-31.250 µm, 4.9-5.0 phi | 4.9-5.0 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
12 | Size fraction 31.250-29.157 µm, 5.0-5.1 phi | 5.0-5.1 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
13 | Size fraction 29.157-27.205 µm, 5.1-5.2 phi | 5.1-5.2 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
14 | Size fraction 27.205-25.383 µm, 5.2-5.3 phi | 5.2-5.3 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
15 | Size fraction 25.383-23.683 µm, 5.3-5.4 phi | 5.3-5.4 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
16 | Size fraction 23.683-22.097 µm, 5.4-5.5 phi | 5.4-5.5 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
17 | Size fraction 22.097-20.617 µm, 5.5-5.6 phi | 5.5-5.6 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
18 | Size fraction 20.617-19.237 µm, 5.6-5.7 phi | 5.6-5.7 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
19 | Size fraction 19.237-17.948 µm, 5.7-5.8 phi | 5.7-5.8 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
20 | Size fraction 17.948-16.746 µm, 5.8-5.9 phi | 5.8-5.9 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
21 | Size fraction 16.746-15.625 µm, 5.9-6.0 phi | 5.9-6.0 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
22 | Size fraction 15.625-14.579 µm, 6.0-6.1 phi | 6.0-6.1 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
23 | Size fraction 14.579-13.602 µm, 6.1-6.2 phi | 6.1-6.2 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
24 | Size fraction 13.602-12.691 µm, 6.2-6.3 phi | 6.2-6.3 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
25 | Size fraction 12.691-11.842 µm, 6.3-6.4 phi | 6.3-6.4 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
26 | Size fraction 11.842-11.049 µm, 6.4-6.5 phi | 6.4-6.5 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
27 | Size fraction 11.049-10.309 µm, 6.5-6.6 phi | 6.5-6.6 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
28 | Size fraction 10.309-9.618 µm, 6.6-6.7 phi | 6.6-6.7 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
29 | Size fraction 9.618-8.974 µm, 6.7-6.8 phi | 6.7-6.8 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
30 | Size fraction 8.974-8.373 µm, 6.8-6.9 phi | 6.8-6.9 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
31 | Size fraction 8.373-7.813 µm, 6.9-7.0 phi | 6.9-7.0 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
32 | Size fraction 7.813-7.289 µm, 7.0-7.1 phi | 7.0-7.1 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
33 | Size fraction 7.289-6.801 µm, 7.1-7.2 phi | 7.1-7.2 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
34 | Size fraction 6.801-6.346 µm, 7.2-7.3 phi | 7.2-7.3 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
35 | Size fraction 6.346-5.921 µm, 7.3-7.4 phi | 7.3-7.4 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
36 | Size fraction 5.921-5.524 µm, 7.4-7.5 phi | 7.4-7.5 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
37 | Size fraction 5.524-5.154 µm, 7.5-7.6 phi | 7.5-7.6 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
38 | Size fraction 5.154-4.809 µm, 7.6-7.7 phi | 7.6-7.7 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
39 | Size fraction 4.809-4.487 µm, 7.7-7.8 phi | 7.7-7.8 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
40 | Size fraction 4.487-4.187 µm, 7.8-7.9 phi | 7.8-7.9 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
41 | Size fraction 4.187-3.906 µm, 7.9-8.0 phi | 7.9-8.0 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
42 | Size fraction 3.906-3.645 µm, 8.0-8.1 phi | 8.0-8.1 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
43 | Size fraction 3.645-3.401 µm, 8.1-8.2 phi | 8.1-8.2 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
44 | Size fraction 3.401-3.173 µm, 8.2-8.3 phi | 8.2-8.3 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
45 | Size fraction 3.173-2.960 µm, 8.3-8.4 phi | 8.3-8.4 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
46 | Size fraction 2.960-2.762 µm, 8.4-8.5 phi | 8.4-8.5 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
47 | Size fraction 2.762-2.577 µm, 8.5-8.6 phi | 8.5-8.6 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
48 | Size fraction 2.577-2.405 µm, 8.6-8.7 phi | 8.6-8.7 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
49 | Size fraction 2.405-2.244 µm, 8.7-8.8 phi | 8.7-8.8 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
50 | Size fraction 2.244-2.093 µm, 8.8-8.9 phi | 8.8-8.9 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt | |
51 | Size fraction 2.093-1.953 µm, 8.9-9.0 phi | 8.9-9.0 phi | % | Michels, Klaus | Grain size, SEDIGRAPH, percent of silt |
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