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Freudenthal, Tim; Neuer, Susanne; Meggers, Helge; Davenport, Robert; Wefer, Gerold (2001): TOC, CaCO3, TN and accumulation rates from multicorer sediment profile GeoB4301-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Freudenthal, T et al. (2001): Influence of lateral particle advection and organic matter degradation on sediment accumulation and stable nitrogen isotope ratios along a productivity gradient in the Canary Islands region. Marine Geology, 177(1-2), 93-109,

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Published: 2001-01-23DOI registered: 2005-04-07

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Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations (CANIGO)
Latitude: 29.150000 * Longitude: -15.500000
Date/Time Start: 1997-01-25T16:13:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-01-25T16:13:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.105 m
GeoB4301-1 * Latitude: 29.150000 * Longitude: -15.500000 * Date/Time: 1997-01-25T16:13:00 * Elevation: -3614.0 m * Recovery: 0.12 m * Location: Canary Islands * Campaign: M38/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: 1 tube washed out, brownish silty clay, forams, Profile depth: 3577m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sedimentation rateSRcm/kaFreudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
3Sedimentation rate, standard deviationSR std dev±Freudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
4Accumulation rate, massMARg/cm2/kaFreudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
5Accumulation rate, sediment, standard deviationMAR std dev±Freudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
6PorosityPoros% volFreudenthal, TimCalculated from mass/volume
7Density, wet bulkWBDg/cm3Freudenthal, TimCalculated from mass/volume
8Density, dry bulkDBDg/cm3Freudenthal, TimCalculated from mass/volume
9Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Freudenthal, TimElement analyser CHN, LECO, salinity corrected
10Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Freudenthal, TimElement analyser CHN
11Calcium carbonateCaCO3%Freudenthal, TimElement analyser CHN, LECO, salinity corrected
12Calcium carbonateCaCO3%Freudenthal, TimElement analyser CHN
13Accumulation rate, total organic carbonAcc rate TOCg/cm2/kaFreudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
14Accumulation rate per year, standard deviationAcc rate std dev±Freudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
15Accumulation rate per year, standard deviationAcc rate std dev±Freudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
16Accumulation rate, calcium carbonateAcc rate CaCO3g/cm2/kaFreudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
17Nitrogen, totalTN%Freudenthal, TimElement analyser CHN
18Accumulation rate, nitrogenAcc rate Ng/cm2/kaFreudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
19Accumulation rate, nitrogen, standard deviationAcc rate N std dev±Freudenthal, TimCalculated, see reference(s)
198 data points

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