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Kullman, Leif (2000): tab 1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2000-10-20DOI registered: 2005-04-08

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Related to:
Kullman, Leif (1998): Non-analogous tree flora in the Scandes Mountians, Sweden, during the early Holocene - macrofossil evidence of rapid geographic spread and response to palaeoclimate. Boreas, 27(3), 153-161,
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3980185: Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
Latitude: 63.166667 * Longitude: 12.366667
Minimum Elevation: 740.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 740.0 m
Getryggen * Latitude: 63.166667 * Longitude: 12.366667 * Elevation: 740.0 m * Location: Sedish Scandes * Campaign: QUEEN_Exped * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP) * Comment: Peat section
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Age, datedAge datedkaKullman, LeifAge, 14C conventional
2Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Kullman, LeifAge, 14C conventional1 standard deviation
3Age, dated materialDated materialKullman, LeifAge, 14C conventional
4Sample code/labelSample labelKullman, Leif
44 data points

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