Kohly, Alexander; Thiede, Jörn (2000): Content of different diatom species in sediment core GIK23411-5 [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.56499
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Published: 2000-03-29 • DOI registered: 2005-04-08
Related to:
Kohly, Alexander (1994): Aktuopaläontologische Untersuchungen zu Verbreitung und Vertikalfluss von Diatomeen sowie ihre räumliche und zeitliche Entwicklung im Jungquartär des Europäischen Nordmeeres. Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 49, 118 pp, https://doi.org/10.2312/reports-sfb313.1994.49
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3980185: Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
Latitude: 65.798333 * Longitude: 3.510000
Date/Time Start: 1991-08-17T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1991-08-17T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.36 m
GIK23411-5 * Latitude: 65.798333 * Longitude: 3.510000 * Date/Time: 1991-08-17T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2908.0 m * Penetration: 0.37 m * Recovery: 0.38 m * Location: Norwegian Sea * Campaign: M17/2 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Diatoms | Diatoms | # | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
3 | Diatoms | Diatoms | #/g | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
4 | Thalassiosira eccentrica | T. eccentrica | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
5 | Thalassiosira antarctica | T. antarctica | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
6 | Thalassiosira gravida | T. gravida | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
7 | Thalassiosira bioculata | T. bioculata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
8 | Thalassiosira angulata | T. angulata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
9 | Thalassiosira anguste-lineata | T. anguste-lineata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
10 | Thalassiosira latimarginata | T. latimarginata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
11 | Thalassiosira oestrupii | T. oestrupii | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
12 | Thalassiosira poroseriata | T. poroseriata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
13 | Thalassiosira ferelineata | T. ferelineata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
14 | Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii | T. nordenskioeldii | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
15 | Thalassiosira lineata | T. lineata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
16 | Thalassiosira spp. | Thalassiosira spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
17 | Paralia sulcata | P. sulcata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
18 | Coscinodiscus radiatus | C. radiatus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
19 | Coscinodiscus marginatus | C. marginatus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
20 | Coscinodiscus asteromphalus | C. asteromphalus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
21 | Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis | C. oculus-iridis | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
22 | Coscinodiscus spp. | Coscinodiscus spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
23 | Actinocyclus octonarius | A. octonarius | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
24 | Actinocyclus curvatulus | A. curvatulus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
25 | Hemidiscus cuneiformis | H. cuneiformis | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
26 | Actinoptychus senarius | A. senarius | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
27 | Asteromphalus robustus | A. robustus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
28 | Rhizosolenia bergonii | R. bergonii | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
29 | Rhizosolenia hebetata | R. hebetata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
30 | Rhizosolenia styliformis | R. styliformis | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
31 | Simonseniella alata | S. alata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
32 | Chaetoceros spp. | Chaetoceros spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
33 | Diatoms, centrales indeterminata | Diatom cen indet | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
34 | Pseudoeunotia doliolus | P. doliolus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
35 | Thalassiothrix longissima | T. longissima | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
36 | Navicula spp. | Navicula spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
37 | Delphineis surirella | D. surirella | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
38 | Cocconeis spp. | Cocconeis spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
39 | Pleurosigma sp. | Pleurosigma sp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
40 | Nitzschia spp. | Nitzschia spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
41 | Diatoms, pennales indeterminata | Diatom pen indet | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
42 | Chaetoceros spores | Chaet spores | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
43 | Thalassiosira spores | Thalass spores | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
44 | Diatoms freshwater | Diatom fw | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
45 | Diatoms, fossil | Diatom fossil | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
46 | Distephanus speculum | D. speculum | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
47 | Dictyocha fibula | D. fibula | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
48 | Silicoflagellates | Silicoflag | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
49 | Actiniscidaceae | Actiniscidaceae | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
50 | Thalassiosira leptopus | T. leptopus | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
51 | Roperia tessellata | R. tessellata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms |
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794 data points