Reimann, Clemens (1998): Geochemistry of Topsoil [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Reimann, Clemens; Äyräs, M; Chekushin, V; Bogatyrev, I; Boyd, Rognvald; Caritat, P; Dutter, R; Finne, T E; Halleraker, J H; Jæger, Ø; Kashulina, G; Lehto, O; Niskavaara, H; Pavlov, V K; Räisänen, M L; Strand, T; Volden, T (1998): Environmental geochemical atlas of the central Barents region. NGU-GTK-CKE special publication, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Trondheim, ISBN 978-82-7385-176-5, 745 pp
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Median Latitude: 68.580526 * Median Longitude: 29.446495 * South-bound Latitude: 66.393000 * West-bound Longitude: 24.049800 * North-bound Latitude: 71.094800 * East-bound Longitude: 35.417700
Date/Time Start: 1992-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1992-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.38 m
Kola_Topsoil * Latitude Start: 71.100000 * Longitude Start: 24.000000 * Latitude End: 66.400000 * Longitude End: 35.400000 * Date/Time: 1992-01-01T00:00:00 * Campaign: Kola_Ecogeochemistry * Method/Device: Sampling by hand (HAND)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Geocode | |||
2 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Geocode | |||
3 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
4 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Reimann, Clemens | |||
5 | Silver | Ag | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 5 ppm |
6 | Arsenic | As | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.5 ppm |
7 | Gold | Au | ng/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.002 ppm |
8 | Barium | Ba | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 50 ppm |
9 | Bromine | Br | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.5 ppm |
10 | Calcium | Ca | % | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 1 % |
11 | Cerium | Ce | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 3 ppm |
12 | Cobalt | Co | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 1 ppm |
13 | Chromium | Cr | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 5 ppm |
14 | Caesium | Cs | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 3 ppm |
15 | Europium | Eu | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.2 ppm |
16 | Iron | Fe | % | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.01 % |
17 | Hafnium | Hf | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 1 ppm |
18 | Mercury | Hg | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 1 ppm |
19 | Iridium | Ir | ng/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 5000 ppt |
20 | Lanthanum | La | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.5 ppm |
21 | Lutetium | Lu | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.05 ppm |
22 | Molybdenum | Mo | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 1 ppm |
23 | Sodium | Na | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 100 ppm |
24 | Neodymium | Nd | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 5 ppm |
25 | Nickel | Ni | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 20 ppm |
26 | Rubidium | Rb | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 15 ppm |
27 | Antimony | Sb | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.1 ppm |
28 | Scandium | Sc | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.1 ppm |
29 | Selenium | Se | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 3 ppm |
30 | Samarium | Sm | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.1 ppm |
31 | Tin | Sn | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 100 ppm |
32 | Strontium | Sr | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 500 ppm |
33 | Tantalum | Ta | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.5 ppm |
34 | Terbium | Tb | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.5 ppm |
35 | Thorium | Th | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.2 ppm |
36 | Uranium | U | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.5 ppm |
37 | Tungsten | W | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 1 ppm |
38 | Ytterbium | Yb | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.2 ppm |
39 | Zinc | Zn | mg/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) (Reimann et al., 1998) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 50 ppm |
40 | Sample mass | Samp m | g | Reimann, Clemens | sample weight irradiated for INAA analyses | |
41 | Loss on ignition | LOI | % | Reimann, Clemens | Gravimetric, 1050 °C (Reimann et al., 1998, NGU-GTK-CKE spec.publ. Trondheim) | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.1 % |
42 | Caesium-137, activity per mass | 137Cs | Bq/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.1 Bq/kg |
43 | Caesium-134 activity per mass | 134Cs | Bq/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.1 Bq/kg |
44 | Americium-241 activity per mass | 241Am | Bq/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.3 Bq/kg |
45 | Potassium-40 | 40K | Bq/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 10 Bq/kg |
46 | Bismuth-214 | 214Bi | Bq/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.2 Bq/kg |
47 | Actinium-228, Thorium series | 228Ac | Bq/kg | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 0.8 Bq/kg |
48 | Caesium-137, per area | 137Cs | Bq/m2 | Reimann, Clemens | Gamma-ray spectrometry | fraction < 2mm, detection limit 100 Bq/m**2 |
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