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Gerhardt, Sabine; Henrich, Rüdiger (2001): Limacina inflata of surface sediments of the South Atlantic [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Gerhardt, S; Henrich, R (2001): Shell preservation of Limacina inflata (Pteropoda) in surface sediments from the Central and South Atlantic Ocean: a new proxy to determine the aragonite saturation state of water masses. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 48(9), 2051-2071,

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Published: 2001-02-11DOI registered: 2006-03-22

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Related to:
Gerhardt, Sabine (2001): Late Quaternary water mass variability derived from the pteropod preservation state in sediments of the western South Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 171, 109 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000102968
Median Latitude: -12.908410 * Median Longitude: -23.197275 * South-bound Latitude: -38.468300 * West-bound Longitude: -79.145000 * North-bound Latitude: 20.920000 * East-bound Longitude: 15.480000
Date/Time Start: 1988-02-20T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-05-25T02:43:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
GeoB1000-1 * Latitude: -5.698833 * Longitude: 11.709333 * Date/Time: 1988-02-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -106.0 m * Recovery: 0.5 m * Location: Walvis Ridge * Campaign: M6/6 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG) * Comment: Ton, feinsandig, olivgrau
GeoB1001-1 * Latitude: -5.866000 * Longitude: 11.972167 * Date/Time: 1988-02-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -45.0 m * Recovery: 0.52 m * Location: Angola Basin * Campaign: M6/6 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG) * Comment: Tonschlamm, Rippeln
GeoB1004-2 * Latitude: -6.099683 * Longitude: 12.127017 * Date/Time: 1988-02-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -30.3 m * Penetration: 0.26 m * Recovery: 0.25 m * Location: Angola Basin * Campaign: M6/6 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG) * Comment: Grobsand, braun, Schill
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
6Limacina dissolution indexLDXGerhardt, SabineCalculated, see reference(s)
7Limacina inflataL. inflata#Gerhardt, SabineCounting
618 data points

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