Andrén, Thomas (1999): Diatom assemblage of sediment core IOW211660-2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Baltic Sea System Study (BASYS)
Latitude: 57.283500 * Longitude: 20.118433
Date/Time Start: 1997-07-26T15:08:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-07-26T15:08:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00500 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.49500 m
IOW211660-2 * Latitude: 57.283500 * Longitude: 20.118433 * Date/Time: 1997-07-26T15:08:00 * Elevation: -241.3 m * Location: Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea * Campaign: KOT99/97/02.1 * Basis: Petr Kottsov * Method/Device: Niemistoe corer (NC) * Comment: GB3
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Achnanthes taeniata | A. taeniata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
3 | Actinocyclus octonarius var. crassus | A. octonarius var. crassus | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
4 | Actinocyclus octonarius | A. octonarius | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
5 | Coscinodiscus granii | C. granii | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
6 | Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana | C. choctawhatcheeana | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
7 | Pseudosolenia calcar-avis | P. calcar-avis | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
8 | Thalassionema nitzschioides | T. nitzschioides | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
9 | Thalassiosira cf. levanderi | T. cf. levanderi | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
10 | Thalassiosira hyperborea var. lacunosa | T. hyperborea var. lacunosa | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
11 | Thalassiosira oestrupii | T. oestrupii | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
12 | Thalassiosira spp. | Thalassiosira spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
13 | Amphora coffeaeformis | A. coffeaeformis | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
14 | Anomoeoneis brachysira | A. brachysira | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
15 | Catenula adherens | C. adherens | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
16 | Cocconeis scutellum | C. scutellum | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
17 | Diploneis didyma | D. didyma | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
18 | Diploneis stroemii | D. stroemii | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
19 | Grammatophora oceanica | G. oceanica | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
20 | Hyalodiscus scoticus | H. scoticus | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
21 | Petroneis latissima | P. latissima | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
22 | Rhoicosphenia curvata | R. curvata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
23 | Surirella ovalis | S. ovalis | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
24 | Tabularia fasciculata | Tab. fasciculata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
25 | Amphora ovalis | A. ovalis | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
26 | Amphora pediculus | A. pediculus | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
27 | Cocconeis pediculus | C. pediculus | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
28 | Diploneis smithii | D. smithii | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
29 | Epithemia adnata | E. adnata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
30 | Epithemia sorex | E. sorex | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
31 | Epithemia turgida incl. var. westermanni | E. turgida incl. var. westermanni | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
32 | Pseudostaurosira brevistriata | P. brevistriata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
33 | Rhopalodia gibba | R. gibba | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
34 | Staurosira construens var. venter | S. construens var. venter | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
35 | Stephanodiscus hantzschii | S. hantzschii | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
36 | Thalassiosira baltica | T. baltica | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
37 | Karayevia clevei | K. clevei | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
38 | Amphora copulata | A. copulata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
39 | Aulacoseira ambigua | A. ambigua | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
40 | Aulacoseira granulata | A. granulata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
41 | Aulacoseira islandica | A. islandica | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
42 | Aulacoseira subarctica | A. subarctica | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
43 | Aulacoseira spp. | Aulacoseira spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
44 | Caloneis bacillum | C. bacillum | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
45 | Cocconeis neodiminuta | C. neodiminuta | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
46 | Cyclotella ocellata | C. ocellata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
47 | Diploneis domblittensis | D. domblittensis | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
48 | Eunotia sp. | Eunotia sp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
49 | Fragilaria heidenii | F. heidenii | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
50 | Fragilaria spp. | Fragilaria spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
51 | Martyana martyi | M. martyi | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
52 | Navicula platystoma | N. platystoma | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
53 | Navicula scutelloides | N. scutelloides | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
54 | Pinnularia borealis var. rectangularis | P. borealis var.rectangularis | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
55 | Staurosira construens | S. construens | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
56 | Staurosirella lapponica | S. lapponica | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
57 | Staurosirella pinnata | S. pinnata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
58 | Stephanodiscus alpinus | S. alpinus | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
59 | Stephanodiscus neoastraea/rotula | S. neoastraea/rotula | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
60 | Stephanodiscus spp. | Stephanodiscus spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
61 | Tabellaria fenestrata | T. fenestrata | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
62 | Achnanthes spp. | Achnanthes spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
63 | Amphora spp. | Amphora spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
64 | Cocconeis sp. | Cocconeis sp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
65 | Diploneis spp. | Diploneis spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
66 | Navicula spp. | Navicula spp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
67 | Nitzschia sp. | Nitzschia sp. | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
68 | Diatoms, brackish to marine, planktic | Diatom brack mar plankt | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
69 | Diatoms, brackish-marine periphytic | Diatom brack mar peri | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
70 | Diatoms brackish-freshwater | Diatom brack fw | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) | |
71 | Diatoms freshwater | Diatom fw | % | Andrén, Thomas | Diatom analysis (Battarbee, 1986, in Berglund, Handbook of Holocene Pal.) |
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