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Merkt, Josef; Müller, H H (2001): Pollen analysis of sediment profile BELQ300V from Belauer See [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Latitude: 54.100650 * Longitude: 10.252750
Date/Time Start: 1991-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1991-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 23.705 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 25.395 m
BELQ300V * Latitude: 54.100650 * Longitude: 10.252750 * Date/Time: 1991-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 29.3 m * Lake water depth: 29 m * Penetration: 30.66 m * Recovery: 30.66 m * Location: Belauer See * Campaign: LakeSedNLfB * Basis: Sampling/drilling in lake * Method/Device: Piston corer Streif/Merkt (PC_SM)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2ArtemisiaArt#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
3BetulaBet#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
4CallunaCal#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
5CorylusCor#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
6CyperaceaeCypae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
7EquisetumEqu#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
8EricalesErl#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
9FilipendulaFlp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
10GramineaeGraae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
11HederaHed#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
12Humulus and Cannabis and UrticaHum+Can+Urt#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
13LigulifloraeLigae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
14PinusPin#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
15PolypodiaceaePocae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
16PopulusPop#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
17PteridiumPtd#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
18QuercusQue#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
19RumexRum#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
20SalixSal#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
21Sparganium-typeSpa-T#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
22SphagnumSph#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
23ThalictrumTha#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
24Thelypteris palustrisTlp.p#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
25TiliaTil#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
26Tubuliflorae otherTubuliflorae other#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
27UlmusUlm#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
28VariaVaria#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
29Pediastrum boryanum ssp. boryanumPed.b.b#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
30Cosmarium sp.Cos.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
31Euastrum sp.Eua.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
32Cladocera, plankticCladocera plankt#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
33Acroperus harpaeA. harpae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
34Cladocera, nonplankticCladocera npl#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
35Alonella nanaA. nana#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
36Bosmina coregoni groupBos.c gr#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
37Bosmina longirostris groupBos.l gr#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
38Bosmina sp.Bos.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
39Daphnidae mandibles andüller, H HCounting, palynology
40Sida crystallinaSid.c#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
41Tintinnopsis lacustrisTin.l#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
42Conochilus natansCon.n#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
43Filinia longiseta passa/Filinia hofmanniFin.l/Fin.h#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
44Keratella quadrataKer.q#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
45Rotatoria, otherRotatoria other#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
Licensing unknown: Please contact principal investigator/authors to gain access and request licensing terms (UNKNOWN)
352 data points

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