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Merkt, Josef; Müller, H H (2001): Pollen analysis of sediment profile OB0 from Obersee [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Latitude: 47.800770 * Longitude: 9.881560
Date/Time Start: 1993-08-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-08-02T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.50 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 8.27 m
OB0 * Latitude: 47.800770 * Longitude: 9.881560 * Date/Time: 1993-08-02T00:00:00 * Elevation: 642.5 m * Lake water depth: 16 m * Penetration: 11 m * Recovery: 11 m * Location: Obersee * Campaign: LakeSedNLfB * Basis: Sampling/drilling in lake * Method/Device: Piston corer Streif/Merkt (PC_SM)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AbiesAbi#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
3AcerAce#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
4AlnusAln#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
5ArtemisiaArt#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
6BetulaBet#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
7CallunaCal#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
8Carpinus betulusCar.b#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
9Centaurea cyanusCen.c#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
10Cerealia, otheroth.Cel#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
11ChenopodiaceaeCheae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
12CorylusCor#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
13BrassicaceaeBraae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
14CyperaceaeCypae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
15DryopterisDrp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
16EricalesErl#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
17FagusFag#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
18FilipendulaFlp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
19FraxinusFrx#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
20GramineaeGraae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
21HederaHed#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
22Helianthemum cf.üller, H HCounting, palynology
23Humulus and CannabisHum+Can#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
24JuglansJug#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
25JuniperusJun#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
26LigulifloraeLigae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
27LoniceraLon#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
28NupharNup#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
29NymphaeaNym#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
30PiceaPic#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
31PinusPin#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
32Plantago major/mediaPla.m/m#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
33Plantago lanceolataPla.l#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
34Polygonum avicularePol.i#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
35PolypodiaceaePocae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
36PotamogetonPot#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
37PteridiumPtd#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
38QuercusQue#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
39Rosaceae, otheroth.Rosae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
40Rubiaceae cf.üller, H HCounting, palynology
41RumexRum#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
42SalixSal#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
43Secale cerealeSec.c#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
44SphagnumSph#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
45ThalictrumTha#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
46TiliaTil#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
47Triticum/HordeumTrt/Hor#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
48Tubuliflorae otherTubuliflorae other#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
49Typha latifoliaTyp.l#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
50UlmusUlm#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
51Apiaceae apioide-typeApi.a-T#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
52Apiaceae sanicula-typeApa.S-T#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
53VitisVts#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
54VariaVaria#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
55Pediastrum boryanum ssp. boryanumPed.b.b#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
56Pediastrum duplexPdi.d#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
57Pediastrum integrumPdi.i#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
58Cosmarium sp.Cos.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
59Euastrum sp.Eua.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
60Staurastrum cf. gracilisStu.g#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
61Nymphaeaceae:üller, H HCounting, palynology
62Sphagnum sp., leavesSph.sp.l#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
63Cladocera, plankticCladocera plankt#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
64Acroperus harpaeA. harpae#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
65Alona affinisA. affinis#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
66Cladocera, nonplankticCladocera npl#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
67Alonella nanaA. nana#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
68Bosmina longirostris groupBos.l gr#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
69Bosmina sp.Bos.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
70Camptocercus rectirostrisCap.r#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
71Daphnidae mandibles andüller, H HCounting, palynology
72Eurycercus lamellatusEur.l#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
73Graptoleberis testudinariaGra.t#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
74Pleuroxus trigonellusPleu.t#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
75Sida crystallinaSid.c#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
76Chaoborus flavicansCha.f#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
77Staurophrya elegansSta.e#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
78Assulina muscorumAss.m#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
79Hyalosphenia elegansHya.e#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
80Brachionus cf.üller, H HCounting, palynology
81Collotheca sp.Col.sp#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
82Conochilus hippocrepisCon.h#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
83Conochilus natansCon.n#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
84Conochilus unicornisCon.u#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
85Filinia longiseta passa/Filinia hofmanniFin.l/Fin.h#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
86Hexarthra miraHex.m#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
87Rotatoria, resting eggsRotatoria rest eggs#Müller, H HCounting, palynology
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1204 data points

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