Cremer, Holger; Thiede, Jörn (2005): Realtive abundance of diatom species in sediment core IK9373-10 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2005-01-30 • DOI registered: 2005-04-08
Related to:
Cremer, Holger (1998): Die Diatomeen der Laptevsee (Arktischer Ozean): Taxonomie und biogeographische Verbreitung (Diatoms in the Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean): Taxonomy and biogeographic distribution). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 260, 205 pp,
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3980185: Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
Latitude: 75.346667 * Longitude: 135.205000
Date/Time Start: 1993-09-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-09-09T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.08 m
IK9373-10 * Latitude: 75.346667 * Longitude: 135.205000 * Date/Time: 1993-09-09T00:00:00 * Elevation: -47.0 m * Recovery: 1.09 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Campaign: Transdrift-I * Basis: Ivan Kireyev * Method/Device: Kasten corer RUS (KAL_R)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Sample volume | Samp vol | cm3 | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
3 | Diatoms | Diatoms | #/g | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
4 | Achnanthes spp. | Achnanthes spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
5 | Achnanthes taeniata | A. taeniata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
6 | Amphora spp. | Amphora spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
7 | Diatoms arctic-epibenthic | Diatom arctic-epib | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
8 | Aulacoseira spp. | Aulacoseira spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
9 | Bacterosira bathyomphala | B. bathyomphala | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
10 | Caloneis spp. | Caloneis spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
11 | Chaetoceros spp. | Chaetoceros spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
12 | Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis | C. oculus-iridis | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
13 | Cyclotella spp. | Cyclotella spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
14 | Diploneis spp. | Diploneis spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
15 | Entomoneis spp. | Entomoneis spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
16 | Fossula arctica | F. arctica | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
17 | Fragilariopsis group | Fragilariopsis gr | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
18 | Melosira spp. | Melosira spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
19 | Navicula peregrina | N. peregrina | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
20 | Nitzschia linearis | N. linearis | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
21 | Nitzschia spp., arctic-marine | Nitzschia spp. a-m | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
22 | Nitzschia spp. | Nitzschia spp. | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
23 | Paralia sulcata | P. sulcata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
24 | Porosira glacialis | P. glacialis | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
25 | Diatoms freshwater | Diatom fw | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
26 | Thalassiosira angulata | T. angulata | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | including Thalassiosira decipiens |
27 | Thalassiosira antarctica | T. antarctica | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | including Thalassiosira gravida |
28 | Thalassiosira baltica | T. baltica | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
29 | Thalassiosira bulbosa | T. bulbosa | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
30 | Thalassiosira constricta | T. constricta | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
31 | Thalassiosira hyalina | T. hyalina | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
32 | Thalassiosira hyperborea | T. hyperborea | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
33 | Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii | T. nordenskioeldii | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
34 | Diatoms, valves | Diatom valv | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
35 | Diatoms indeterminata | Diatoms indet | % | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms | |
36 | Diatoms | Diatoms | # | Thiede, Jörn | Counting, diatoms |
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455 data points