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Schmiedl, Gerhard; Mackensen, Andreas (1997): Table A3. Benthic foraminifera assemblage of sediment core GeoB1710-3 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schmiedl, G; Mackensen, A (1997): Late Quaternary paleoproductivity and deep water circulation in the eastern South Altantic Ocean: Evidence from benthic foraminifera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 130(1-4), 43-80,

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Latitude: -23.431667 * Longitude: 11.698333
Date/Time Start: 1992-01-11T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1992-01-11T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.64 m
GeoB1710-3 * Latitude: -23.431667 * Longitude: 11.698333 * Date/Time: 1992-01-11T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2987.0 m * Recovery: 10.45 m * Location: Namibia continental slope * Campaign: M20/2 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: CC: Karbonatschl., weißgrün
The top sample (1 cm) is derived from a box core.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Anomalinoides globulosusA. globulosus%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
3Astrononion echolsiA. echolsi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
4Bolivina pseudoplicataB. pseudoplicata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
5Bolivinita pseudothalmanniB. pseudothalmanni%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
6Bulimina aculeataB. aculeata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
7Bolivina alazanensisB. alazanensis%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
8Bulimina costataB. costata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fractionincluding Bulimina mexicana
9Cassidulina laevigataC. laevigata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
10Cassidulina reniformeC. reniforme%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
11Cibicidoides bradyiC. bradyi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
12Chilostomella oolinaC. oolina%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
13Cibicidoides kullenbergiC. kullenbergi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
14Cibicidoides cf. robertsonianusC. cf. robertsonianu%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
15Cibicidoides sp.Cibicidoides sp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
16Cibicidoides spp.Cibicidoides spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
17Eggerella bradyiE. bradyi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
18Epistominella exiguaE. exigua%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
19Epistominella rugosaE. rugosa%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
20Eponides pusillusE. pusillus%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
21Fissurina spp.Fissurina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
22Cibicidoides wuellerstorfiC. wuellerstorfi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fractionsensu lato
23Fursenkoina bradyiF. bradyi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
24Fursenkoina mexicanaF. mexicana%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
25Fursenkoina spp.Fursenkoina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
26Globobulimina spp.Globobulimina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
27Globocassidulina subglobosaG. subglobosa%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
28Gyroidina spp.Gyroidina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
29Gyroidinoides poliusG. polius%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
30Gyroidinoides soldaniiG. soldanii%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fractionsensu lato
31Gyroidinoides umbonatusG. umbonatus%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
32Hyperammina cylindricaH. cylindrica%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
33Hoeglundina elegansH. elegans%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
34Karreriella bradyiK. bradyi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
35Lagena spp.Lagena spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
36Martinottiella communisM. communis%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
37Melonis barleeanusM. barleeanus%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
38Melonis pompilioidesM. pompilioides%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
39Nonionella irideaN. iridea%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
40Nonionella opimaN. opima%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
41Oolina spp.Oolina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
42Oridorsalis umbonatusO. umbonatus%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
43Osangularia culterO. culter%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
44Parafissurina spp.Parafissurina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
45Psammosphaera spp.Psammosphaera spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
46Pullenia bulloidesP. bulloides%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
47Pullenia salisburyiP. salisburyi%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
48Pullenia subcarinataP. subcarinata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
49Pyrgo murrhinaP. murrhina%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
50Pyrgo spp.Pyrgo spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
51Quinqueloculina spp.Quinqueloculina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
52Reophax spp.Reophax spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
53Rhizammina spp.Rhizammina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
54Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeriS. schlumbergeri%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
55Siphotextularia catenataS. catenata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
56Stainforthia concavaS. concava%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
57Triloculina spp.Triloculina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
58Trochammina spp.Trochammina spp.%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
59Uvigerina hispidaU. hispida%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
60Uvigerina peregrinaU. peregrina%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fractionsensu lato
61Uvigerina proboscideaU. proboscidea%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
62Valvulineria laevigataV. laevigata%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
63Sphaeroidina bulloidesS. bulloides%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
64Foraminifera, benthic indeterminataForam benth indet%Schmiedl, GerhardCounting >125 µm fraction
2058 data points

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