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Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter; Grobe, Hannes (1998): Sedimentology of core PS2553-3 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter (2000): Glazialmarine Sedimentationsentwicklung am westantarktischen Kontinentalrand im Amundsen- und Bellingshausenmeer - Hinweise auf Paläoumweltveränderungen während der quartären Klimazyklen (Glaciomarine sedimentation on the continental margins of the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas, West Antarctica - indications for paleoenvironmental changes during the Quaternary climatic cycles). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 346, 182 pp,

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Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3970141: Silicon Cycling in the World Ocean
Latitude: -69.493330 * Longitude: -97.438330
Date/Time Start: 1994-03-05T14:50:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-03-05T14:50:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.02000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 9.98000 m
PS2553-3 (PS29/070) * Latitude: -69.493330 * Longitude: -97.438330 * Date/Time: 1994-03-05T14:50:00 * Elevation: -4300.0 m * Penetration: 13 m * Recovery: 10 m * Location: Bellingshausen Sea * Campaign: ANT-XI/3 (PS29) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: 10 core sections: 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10 m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Mass, taraTaragGrobe, Hannes
3Water content, wet mass, bruttoWater wm bruttogGrobe, Hannes
4Mass, bruttoBruttogGrobe, Hannes
5Sample massSamp mgGrobe, Hannes
6Mass, nettoNettogGrobe, Hannes
7Water content, wet massWater wm%Grobe, Hannes
8Water content, dry massWater dm%Grobe, Hannes
9DensityDensityg/cm3Grobe, HannesPycnometer (Micromeritics)
10Dry volumeVolumecm3Grobe, HannesPycnometer (Micromeritics)
11Dry massDry mgGrobe, HannesPycnometer (Micromeritics)
12PorosityPoros% volGrobe, HannesCalculated
13Density, wet bulkWBDg/cm3Grobe, HannesCalculated
14Density, grainDensity graing/cm3Grobe, HannesCalculated
15Density, dry bulkDBDg/cm3Grobe, HannesCalculated
16Carbon, totalTC%Grobe, HannesElement analyser CHN, LECO
17Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Grobe, HannesElement analyser CHN, LECO
18Calcium carbonateCaCO3%Grobe, HannesElement analyser CHN, LECO
19Opal, biogenic silicabSiO2%Grobe, HannesOpal, auto analysis (Müller & Schneider, 1993)
20SandSand%Grobe, HannesGrain size, sieving/settling tube
21SiltSilt%Grobe, HannesGrain size, sieving/settling tube
22Size fraction < 0.002 mm, clay<2 µm%Grobe, HannesGrain size, sieving/settling tube
23SmectiteSme%Grobe, HannesX-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
24IlliteIll%Grobe, HannesX-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
25KaoliniteKln%Grobe, HannesX-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
26ChloriteChl%Grobe, HannesX-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
3488 data points

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