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Diekmann, Bernhard; Petschick, Rainer; Gingele, Franz; Fütterer, Dieter K; Abelmann, Andrea; Brathauer, Uta; Gersonde, Rainer; Mackensen, Andreas (1996): Clay mineralogy of sediment core PS1226-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Diekmann, B et al. (1996): Clay mineral fluctuations in Late Quaternary sediments of the Southeastern South Atlantic: implications for past changes of deep water advection. In: Wefer, G; Berger, W H; Siedler, G & Webb, D (eds.), The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 118, 621-644

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Latitude: -54.532830 * Longitude: 10.313330
Date/Time Start: 1984-03-04T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1984-03-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 8.70 m
PS1226-1 (PS04/542) * Latitude: -54.532830 * Longitude: 10.313330 * Date/Time: 1984-03-04T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4033.0 m * Penetration: 9 m * Recovery: 8.73 m * Location: Atlantic Ridge * Campaign: ANT-II/4 (PS04) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: 10 core sections: 0-0.78, 0.78-1.68, 1.68-2.58, 2.58-3.48, 3.48-4.22, 4.22-5.12, 5.12-6.03, 6.03-6.93, 6.93-7.83, 7.83-8.73 m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Smectite (Intensity, 17Å)Sme I. 17ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
3Smectite (Area, 17Å)Sme A 17ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
4Smectite (Half height width)Sme HHWd2ThetaPetschick, Rainer
5Smectite (v/p, Biscaye Index)Sme v/p BisIndPetschick, Rainer
6Illite position 10ÅIll 10ÅÅPetschick, Rainer
7Illite (Intensity, 10Å)Ill I 10ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
8Illite (Area, 10Å)IlI10Å AcpsPetschick, Rainer
9Illite half height width, glycolizedIll HHW glycd2ThetaPetschick, Rainer
10Illite half height width, airIll HHW aird2ThetaPetschick, Rainer
11Illite 5Å/10Å Esquevin-indexIll EIPetschick, RainerX-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
12Kaolinite+Chlorite (Intensity, 7Å)Kln+Chl I 7ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
13Kaolinite+Chlorite (Area, 7Å)Kln+Chl A 7ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
14Kaolinite (Area, 7Å)Kln A 7ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
15Chlorite (Area, 7Å)Chl A 7ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
16Molybdenumsulfide (Standard, Area)MoScpsPetschick, Rainer
17Illite (Intensity, 5Å)Ill I 5ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
18Illite (Area, 5Å)Ill5Å AcpsPetschick, Rainer
19Illite (Intensity, 4.5Å)Ill I 4.5ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
20Quartz (Intensity, 4.26Å)Qz I 4.26ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
21Quartz (Area, 4.26 Å)Qz A 4.26cpsPetschick, Rainer
22Feldspar (Intensity, 3.18Å)Fsp I 3.18ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
23Feldspar (Area, 3.18Å)Fsp A 3.18ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
24Amphibole (Intensity, 8.45Å)Amp I. 8.45ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
25Amphibole (Area, 8.45Å)Amp A 8.45ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
26Talc (Intensity, 9.37Å)Tlc I 9.37ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
27Talc (Area, 9.37Å)Tlc A 9.37ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
28Calcite (Intensity, 3.04Å)Cal I 3.04ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
29Calcite (Area, 3.04Å)Cal A 3.04ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
30Kaolinite (Intensity, 3.58Å)Kln I 3.58ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
31Chlorite (Intensity, 3.54Å)Chl I 3.54cpsPetschick, Rainer
32Kaolinite (Area, 3.58Å)Kln A 3.58ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
33Chlorite (Area, 3.54Å)Chl 3.54ÅcpsPetschick, Rainer
34KaoliniteKln%Petschick, Rainer
35SmectiteSme%Petschick, Rainer
36IlliteIll%Petschick, Rainer
37ChloriteChl%Petschick, Rainer
38Smectite, integral widthSmec IWd2ThetaPetschick, Rainer
39Illite, integral widthIll IWd2ThetaPetschick, RainerX-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
6561 data points

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