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Bruch, Angela A; Zhilin, Sergey G (2006): Miocene macroflora of Altyn-Shokysu-West (Kazakhstan) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Bruch, AA; Zhilin, SG (2006): Early Miocene climate of Central Eurasia – Evidence from Aquitanian floras of Kazakhstan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 248(1-2), 32-48,

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Related to:
Andrejev, A G (1991): Floristicheskije svyazi pozdneoligotsenovoy i rannemiotsenovoi flor Altyn-Shokysu (Severo-Vostochnoe Priaral’e) [Floristic relationships of the Late Oligocene and the Early Miocene floras of Altyn-Shokysu (North-Eastern Priaral’e)]. In: Zhilin, SG (edt.): Development of the Flora in Kazakhstan and Russian Plain from the Eocene to the Miocene. Kryshofovich Lecture Series, 2, 98-127
Latitude: 47.610000 * Longitude: 61.000000
Altyn-Shokysu_VI ((West)) * Latitude: 47.610000 * Longitude: 61.000000 * Location: Kazakhstan, Kzyl-Orda District * Campaign: NECLIME_campaign * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample commentSample commentZhilin, Sergey G
2Age, minimum/youngAge minkaZhilin, Sergey G
3Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaZhilin, Sergey G
4EpochEpochZhilin, Sergey G
5StageStageZhilin, Sergey GMediterranean stages
6StratigraphyStratigraphyZhilin, Sergey G
7Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyZhilin, Sergey GVisual description
8EnvironmentEnvironmentZhilin, Sergey G
9Alnus schmalhauseniiA. schmalhauseniiZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
10Cercis turgaicaC. turgaicaZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
11Cornus graeffiiC. graeffiiZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
12Fagus antipofiiF. antipofiiZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
13Juglans sp.Juglans sp.Zhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
14Liquidambar europaeaL. europaeaZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
15Phragmites oeningensisP. oeningensisZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
16Populus sp.Populus sp.Zhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
17Populus populinaP. populinaZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
18Quercus alexeeviiQ. alexeeviiZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
19Taxodium dubiumT. dubiumZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
20Typha latissimaT. latissimaZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
21Ulmus carpinoidesU. carpinoidesZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
22Ulmus drepanodontaU. drepanodontaZhilin, Sergey GFossil determination
22 data points

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