Mackensen, Andreas; Grobe, Hannes; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Spieß, Volkhard; Fütterer, Dieter K (1989): Distribution of benthic foraminifera of sediment core PS1388-3 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Mackensen, A et al. (1989): Stable isotope stratigraphy from the Antarctic continental margin during the last one million years. Marine Geology, 87(2-4), 315-321,
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Latitude: -69.033330 * Longitude: -5.916660
Date/Time Start: 1985-12-28T20:53:00 * Date/Time End: 1985-12-28T20:53:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 9.80 m
PS1388-3 (PS08/366) * Latitude: -69.033330 * Longitude: -5.916660 * Date/Time: 1985-12-28T20:53:00 * Elevation: -2526.0 m * Penetration: 15.2 m * Recovery: 12.38 m * Location: Atka Bay * Campaign: ANT-IV/3 (PS08) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: 13 core sections: 0-0.45, 0.45-1.45, 1.45-2.43, 2.43-3.43, 3.43-4.43, 4.43-5.43, 5.43-6.43, 6.43-7.43, 7.43-8.43, 8.43-9.43, 9.43-10.43, 10.43-11.43, 11.43-12.38 m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Adercotryma glomeratum | A. glomeratum | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
3 | Ammomarginulina ensis | A. ensis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
4 | Ammomarginulina foliacea | A. foliacea | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
5 | Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis | A. pseudospiralis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
6 | Cassidulina biora | C. biora | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
7 | Cassidulina laevigata | C. laevigata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including Cassidulina teretis |
8 | Cassidulina crassa | C. crassa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including C. reniforme and C. obtusa |
9 | Cassidulinoides porrectus | C. porrectus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
10 | Cibicides bertheloti | C. bertheloti | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
11 | Cibicides corpulentus | C. corpulentus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
12 | Cibicides grossepunctatus | C. grossepunctatus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
13 | Cibicides pseudoungerianus | C. pseudoungerianus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
14 | Cibicides spp. | Cibicides spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
15 | Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi | C. wuellerstorfi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
16 | Cribrostomoides crassimargo | C. crassimargo | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
17 | Cribrostomoides jeffreysii | C. jeffreysii | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
18 | Cribrostomoides subglobosus | C. subglobosus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
19 | Cribrostomoides wiesneri | C. wiesneri | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
20 | Cyclammina orbicularis | C. orbicularis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
21 | Cyclammina pusilla | C. pusilla | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including C. cancellata |
22 | Cyclogyra foliacea | C. foliacea | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
23 | Dentalina communis | D. communis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
24 | Dentalina pauperata | D. pauperata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
25 | Dentalina spp. | Dentalina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
26 | Eggerella bradyi | E. bradyi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
27 | Eggerella scabra | E. scabra | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
28 | Ehrenbergina glabra | E. glabra | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
29 | Epistominella exigua | E. exigua | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
30 | Epistominella sp. | Epistominella sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | type A |
31 | Epistominella umbonifera | E. umbonifera | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
32 | Eponides tumidulus | E. tumidulus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
33 | Eponides weddellensis | E. weddellensis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
34 | Fissurina auricolata | F. auricolata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
35 | Fissurina orbignyana | F. orbignyana | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
36 | Fissurina cf. serrata | F. cf. serrata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
37 | Fissurina subformosa | F. subformosa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
38 | Fissurina sp. | Fissurina sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | 'Miene' type (Mackensen) |
39 | Fissurina spp. | Fissurina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
40 | Fursenkoina davisi | F. davisi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
41 | Fursenkoina earlandi | F. earlandi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
42 | Fursenkoina fusiformis | F. fusiformis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
43 | Glandulina antarctica ssp. | G. antarctica ssp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
44 | Globocassidulina crassa rossensis | G. crassa ros. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
45 | Globocassidulina subglobosa | G. subglobosa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
46 | Glomospira charoides | G. charoides | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
47 | Guttulina sp. | Guttulina sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
48 | Gyroidina sp. | Gyroidina sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | small tests |
49 | Gyroidina neosoldanii | G. neosoldanii | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
50 | Haplophragmoides bradyi | H. bradyi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
51 | Haplophragmoides sphaeriloculus | H. sphaeriloculus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
52 | Hormosina normani | H. normani | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
53 | Hormosina sp. | Hormosina sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
54 | Karreriella bradyi | K. bradyi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
55 | Karreriella novangliae | K. novangliae | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
56 | Lagena nebulosa | L. nebulosa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
57 | Lagena striata | L. striata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
58 | Lagena subacuticosta | L. subacuticosta | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
59 | Lagena laevis | L. laevis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
60 | Lagena spp. | Lagena spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
61 | Laticarinina pauperata | L. pauperata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
62 | Lenticulina antarctica | L. antarctica | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
63 | Lenticulina spp. | Lenticulina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
64 | Marginulina spp. | Marginulina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
65 | Marsipella cylindrica | M. cylindrica | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
66 | Martinottiella nodulosa | M. nodulosa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
67 | Melonis affinis | M. affinis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
68 | Melonis pompilioides | M. pompilioides | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
69 | Melonis zaandamae | M. zaandamae | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
70 | Miliammina arenacea | M. arenacea | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
71 | Miliolinella sp. | Miliolinella sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
72 | Nodellum membranaceum | N. membranaceum | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
73 | Nodosaria spp. | Nodosaria spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
74 | Nonionella bradii | N. bradii | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
75 | Nonionella iridea | N. iridea | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
76 | Oolina hexagona | O. hexagona | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
77 | Oolina melo | O. melo | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
78 | Oolina ovum | O. ovum | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
79 | Oolina sp. | Oolina sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
80 | Oridorsalis sidebottomi | O. sidebottomi | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including G. lamarckiana |
81 | Oridorsalis umbonatus | O. umbonatus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
82 | Parafissurina marginata | P. marginata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
83 | Parafissurina tectulostoma | P. tectulostoma | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
84 | Parafissurina cf. tectulostoma | P. cf. tectulostoma | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
85 | Parafissurina spp. | Parafissurina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
86 | Pelosina rotundata | P. rotundata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
87 | Pelosinella bicaudata | P. bicaudata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
88 | Pelosinella sp. | Pelosinella sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
89 | Portatrochammina sp. | Portatrochammina sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
90 | Psammosphaera fusca | P. fusca | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
91 | Pullenia bulloides | P. bulloides | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
92 | Pullenia simplex | P. simplex | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
93 | Pullenia subcarinata | P. subcarinata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
94 | Pyrgo depressa | P. depressa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including P. murrhina |
95 | Quinqueloculina spp. | Quinqueloculina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
96 | Recurvoides contortus | R. contortus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
97 | Reophax aduncus | R. aduncus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
98 | Reophax dentaliniformis | R. dentaliniformis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
99 | Reophax nodulosus | R. nodulosus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
100 | Reophax ovicula | R. ovicula | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
101 | Reophax scorpiurus | R. scorpiurus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
102 | Reophax spp. | Reophax spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
103 | Rhabdammina cf. linearis | R. cf. linearis | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
104 | Rhabdammina spp. | Rhabdammina spp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including Hyperammina |
105 | Saccammina sphaerica | S. sphaerica | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
106 | Saccorhiza ramosa | S. ramosa | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
107 | Siphotextularia flintii | S. flintii | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
108 | Foraminifera, agglutinated, species indeterminata | Foram agg indet | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
109 | Foraminifera, rotalide, species indeterminata | Foram rot indet | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
110 | Subreophax aduncus | S. aduncus | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
111 | Textularia sp. | Textularia sp. | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
112 | Trifarina earlandii | T. earlandii | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
113 | Triloculina frigida | T. frigida | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
114 | Triloculina tricarinata | T. tricarinata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
115 | Tritaxis squamata | T. squamata | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
116 | Trochammina pygmaea | T. pygmaea | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | including T. globulosa and Trochammina spp. |
117 | Uvigerina hollicki | U. hollicki | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
118 | Textulariina | Textulariina | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction | |
119 | Miliolina | Miliolina | % | Mackensen, Andreas | Counting >125 µm fraction |
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