Lavelle, Mark; Fielding, Christopher R; Hall, Michael A (2001): Stable isotope ratios measured on molluscan from the CRP sediment cores in the Ross Sea, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Lavelle, M et al. (2001): Molluscan stable isotope temperature estimates of the southwestern Ross Sea during the early Oligocene and early Miocene, CRP-2/2A and CRP-3, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 8(4), 439-444, hdl:10013/epic.28228.d001
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Published: 2001 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2006-10-12
Stable isotope analyses of marine bivalve growth increment samples have been used to estimate early Oligocene (29.4 - 31.2) Ma and early Miocene (24.0 Ma) seafloor palaeotemperature from the southwestern continental margin of the Ross Sea. Measured d18O values average +2.5 ‰ in the early Miocene and range between +1.26 to +3.24 ‰ in the early Oligocene. The results show that palaeoceanographic conditions in McMurdo Sound during the mid-Cenozoic were significantly different from those of today. The minimum estimated spring through late summer seasonal temperature range was 3°C during the early Miocene and between 1 and 5°C during the early Oligocene. This compares to the equivalent modern day range of <0.5°C within the sound. Absolute seawater temperatures at <100 m depth were of the order of 5 to 7°C during both time slices, compared to modern day values of -1.4 to - 1.9°C in the same area. The results are in broad agreement with early Oligocene Mg/Ca temperature estimates from deep Atlantic foraminifera as well as estimates from local terrestrial palynology and palaeobotany.
Cape Roberts Project (CRP)
Median Latitude: -77.005992 * Median Longitude: 163.719225 * South-bound Latitude: -77.006000 * West-bound Longitude: 163.719000 * North-bound Latitude: -77.005983 * East-bound Longitude: 163.719450
Date/Time Start: 1998-10-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-19T00:00:00
CRP-2 (14.2 km at 096° true from Cape Roberts) * Latitude: -77.005983 * Longitude: 163.719450 * Date/Time: 1998-10-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -177.9 m * Recovery: 57.42 m * Location: off Cape Roberts, Ross Sea, Antarctica * Campaign: CRP-2 * Basis: Sampling/drilling from ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: 921 m at 284° from CRP-1. Sea-ice thickness: 2.0 m (1 Oct) to 2.2 m (23 Nov). Sea riser embedded to 13.03 mbsf. Lateral ice movement: 9.87 m to east from 17 Oct to 23 Nov. HQ core to 199.31 mbsf. NQ core to 624.15 mbsf
CRP-3 * Latitude: -77.006000 * Longitude: 163.719000 * Date/Time Start: 1999-10-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-19T00:00:00 * Elevation: -295.0 m * Penetration: 939 m * Recovery: 936 m * Location: Ross Sea * Campaign: CRP-3 * Basis: Sampling/drilling from ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: 11.76 km at 76° true from Cape Roberts, 2.04 km at 225° true from CRP-2. Fast ice thickness: 2.0 to 2.2 m. Sea rise embedded to 9.55 mbsf. Lateral ice movement from spudding 5.0 m to 82° true. HQ core to 345.85 mbsf. NQ core to 939.42 mbsf. Core recovery 97%. Phase 1 logging to 345 mbsf, Phase 2 logging to 773 mbsf, Phase 3 logging to 918 mbsf. Deepest Cenozoic lithology and depth: sandstone breccia from 822.87 to 823.11 mbsf. Age of oldest Cenozoic strata: earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene. Deepest core lithology and depth: light red-brown quartz-cemented quartz sandstone to 939.42 mbsf. Age of bedrock: (mid?) Devonian.
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2 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Lavelle, M; Fielding, CR; Hall, MA (2001): (Table 1) Stable isotope data from marine bivalve fragments of core CRP-2/2A.
- Lavelle, M; Fielding, CR; Hall, MA (2001): (Table 1) Stable isotope data from marine bivalve fragments of core CRP-3.