Strong, C Percy; Webb, Peter-Noel (1998): Investigation of Miocene foraminifera in sediment core CRP-1 from the Ross Sea, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Strong, CP; Webb, P-N (1998): Lower Miocene foraminifera from CRP-1 drillhole. Terra Antartica, 5(3), 515-520, hdl:10013/epic.28305.d001
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Published: 1998 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2006-09-29
A faunal comprising 18 foraminiferal taxa wa recovered from a suite of 52 core samples from lower Miocene sandstone, claystone and diamictite in the CRP-1 drillhole, Cape Roberts, Antarctica. The fauna is characterised by low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, the absence of planktics, and typically, the presence of Cribroelphidium sp. and/or Melonis spp. These factors indicate deposition in an inner shelf or nearshore environment. Many of the foraminifers found in CRP-1 also occure in the upper Oligocene-Miocene sequences in CIROS-1 and DSDP-270, but the fauna provides no precise indication of age. Typical and distinctive species from CRP-1 are illustrated with SEM photomicrographs.
Cape Roberts Project (CRP)
Latitude: -77.007580 * Longitude: 163.755080
Date/Time Start: 1997-10-17T01:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-10-24T02:00:00
CRP-1 (16 km ENE Cape Roberts) * Latitude: -77.007580 * Longitude: 163.755080 * Date/Time Start: 1997-10-17T01:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-10-24T02:00:00 * Elevation: -153.5 m * Penetration: 132.06 m * Recovery: 113.32 m * Location: off Cape Roberts, Ross Sea, Antarctica * Campaign: CRP-1 * Basis: Sampling/drilling ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: sea ice thickness: 1.60 m, recovery 86 %. Age and lithology of oldest strata: 22-24 Ma; mudstone with scattered pebbles.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
2 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Strong, CP; Webb, P-N (1998): Occurence of foraminifera in the lower Miocene of sediment core CRP-1 (Table 2).
- Strong, CP; Webb, P-N (1998): Occurence of Miocene foraminifera species in sediment core CRP-1 (Table 1).