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Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter (1995): Sedimentological and stable isotope analysis of sediment core PS1565-2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 1995-01-01DOI registered: 2005-04-09

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Related to:
Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter (1994): Spätquartäre Sedimentationsprozesse am Kontinentalrand des nordöstlichen Bellingshausenmeeres (Antarktis). Diploma Thesis, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven & University of Bremen, Germany, 124 pp,
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3970141: Silicon Cycling in the World Ocean
Latitude: -63.907500 * Longitude: -69.508160
Date/Time Start: 1987-12-04T15:23:00 * Date/Time End: 1987-12-04T15:23:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.010 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 11.650 m
PS1565-2 (PS12/201) * Latitude: -63.907500 * Longitude: -69.508160 * Date/Time: 1987-12-04T15:23:00 * Elevation: -3427.0 m * Penetration: 13.5 m * Recovery: 11.77 m * Location: Antarctic Peninsula * Campaign: ANT-VI/2 (PS12) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: 12 core sections: 0-0.77, 0.77-1.77, 1.77-2.77, 2.77-3.77, 3.77-4.79, 4.79-5.79, 5.79-6.79, 6.79-7.79, 7.79-8.79, 8.79-9.77, 9.77-10.77, 10.77-11.77 m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Mass, taraTaragHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
3Mass, bruttoBruttogHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
4Mass, nettoNettogHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
5Water content, wet massWater wm%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
6DensityDensityg/cm3Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
7Density, dry bulkDBDg/cm3Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
8Density, wet bulkWBDg/cm3Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
9Density, grainDensity graing/cm3Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
10PorosityPoros% volHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
11Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
12Calcium carbonateCaCO3%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
13Sulfur, totalTS%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
14Water content, dry massWater dm%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
15Carbon, totalTC%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
16Water content, wet mass, bruttoWater wm bruttogHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
17Dry volumeVolumecm3Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
18Dry massDry mgHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
19Mafic mineralsMafic min%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
20Quartz and FeldsparQz+Fsp%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
21Carbon in carbonateC (carb)%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
22Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, δ18ON. pachyderma s δ18O‰ PDBHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
23Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, δ13CN. pachyderma s δ13C‰ PDBHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
24Gravel, mass nettoGravelgHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
25Size fraction > 2 mm, gravel>2 mm%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
26Sand, mass nettoSandgHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
27SandSand%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
28Silt, mass nettoSiltgHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
29SiltSilt%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
30Clay, mass nettoClaygHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
31Size fraction < 0.002 mm, clay<2 µm%Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
32Components indeterminataComp indet%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
33TerrigenousTerr%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
34Rock fragmentsRock fragm%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
35MicaMica%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
36MicronodulesMicronod%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
37Volcanic glassVolc glass%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
38Biogenic particlesBiog%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
39Foraminifera, plankticForam plankt%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
40Foraminifera, benthic agglutinatedForam benth agg%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
41Foraminifera, benthic calcareous marineForam benth calc%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
42Sponge spiculaeSponge spic%Hillenbrand, Claus-DieterCounting >63 µm fraction
43Sample massSamp mgHillenbrand, Claus-Dieter
4344 data points

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