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Smellie, John L (2001): (Table 1) Detrital modes for sand grains in sediment core CRP-3 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Smellie, JL (2001): History of Oligocene erosion, uplift and unroofing of the Transantarctic Mountains deduced from Sandstone detrital modes in CRP-3 drillcore, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 8(4), 481-490, hdl:10013/epic.28225.d001

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Published: 2001 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2006-08-17

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Detrital modes determined on 68 sandstone samples from CRP-3 drillcore indicate a continuation of the dynamic history of uplift-related erosion and unroofing previously documented in CRP-1 and CRP-2/2A. The source area is identified very strongly with the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) Dry Valleys block in southern Victoria Land. Initial unroofing of the TAM comprised removal of much of a former capping sequence of Jurassic Kirkpatrick basalts, which preceded the formation of the Victoria Land Basin. Erosion of Beacon Supergroup outcrops took place during progressive uplift of the TAM in the Oligocene. Earliest CRP-3 Oligocene samples above 788 metres below the sea floor (mbsf) were sourced overwhelmingly in Beacon Supergroup strata, including a recognisable contribution from Triassic volcanogenic Lashly Formation sandstones (uppermost Victoria Group). Moving up-section, by 500 mbsf, the CRP-3 samples are depauperate quartz arenites dominantly derived from the quartzose Devonian Taylor Group. Between c. 500 and 450 mbsf, the modal parameters show a distinctive change indicating that small outcrops of basement granitoids and metamorphic rocks were also being eroded along with the remaining Beacon (mainly Taylor Group) sequence. Apart from enigmatic fluctuations in modal indices above 450 mbsf, similar to those displayed by samples in CRP-2/2A, the CRP-3 modes are essentially constant (within a broad data scatter) to the top of CRP-3. The proportion of exposed basement outcrop remained at < 20 %, indicating negligible uplift (i.e. relative stability) throughout that period.
Latitude: -77.006000 * Longitude: 163.719000
Date/Time Start: 1999-10-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-19T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 24.32 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 787.66 m
CRP-3 * Latitude: -77.006000 * Longitude: 163.719000 * Date/Time Start: 1999-10-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-19T00:00:00 * Elevation: -295.0 m * Penetration: 939 m * Recovery: 936 m * Location: Ross Sea * Campaign: CRP-3 * Basis: Sampling/drilling from ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: 11.76 km at 76° true from Cape Roberts, 2.04 km at 225° true from CRP-2. Fast ice thickness: 2.0 to 2.2 m. Sea rise embedded to 9.55 mbsf. Lateral ice movement from spudding 5.0 m to 82° true. HQ core to 345.85 mbsf. NQ core to 939.42 mbsf. Core recovery 97%. Phase 1 logging to 345 mbsf, Phase 2 logging to 773 mbsf, Phase 3 logging to 918 mbsf. Deepest Cenozoic lithology and depth: sandstone breccia from 822.87 to 823.11 mbsf. Age of oldest Cenozoic strata: earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene. Deepest core lithology and depth: light red-brown quartz-cemented quartz sandstone to 939.42 mbsf. Age of bedrock: (mid?) Devonian.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Grain size descriptionGrain size descrSmellie, John L
3Quartz, angularQz ang%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
4Quartz, roundedQz round%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
5PlagioclasePl%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
6FeldsparFsp%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisAlkali feldspar
7PyroxenePyrox%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisTotal
8AmphiboleAmp%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisTotal
9BiotiteBt%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
10MuscoviteMs%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
11Quartz, polycrystallinePolyQz%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
12Sedimentary rockSedim rock%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisSedimentary lithic grains
13VolcaniteVolcanite%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisVolcanic lithic grains (graphic)
14VolcaniteVolcanite%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisVolcanic lithic grains (mosaic)
15VolcaniteVolcanite%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisVolcanic lithic grains (feathery)
16VolcaniteVolcanite%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisVolcanic lithic grains (lathy)
17MetamorphiteMetam%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisMetamorphic lithic grains
18Volcanic glass, brownVolc glass brown%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
19Opaque mineralsOpaque%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
20Components indeterminataComp indet%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
21MatrixMatrix%Smellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysis
22MineralsMineralsSmellie, John LCoarse fraction/modal analysisAccessory minerals: biot = biotite, carb = carbonate, gt = garnet, epid = epidote, hbl = hornblende, sph = sphene, musc = muscovite, opq = opaques, zirc = zircon
1427 data points

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