Swift, James (2006): Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples at station SPac_1967_ET_28S/139 [dataset]. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.477650
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Latitude: -28.285000 * Longitude: -161.983000
Date/Time Start: 1967-07-07T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1967-07-07T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 5299.83 m
SPac_1967_ET_28S/139 * Latitude: -28.285000 * Longitude: -161.983000 * Date/Time: 1967-07-07T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5457.0 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: SPac_1967_ET_28S * Basis: Eltanin * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
This data sets is part of a compilation by James Swift for the Java OceanAtlas software. Data are from various pre-WOCE sources, mainly with contributions and quality control from Joseph Reid (SIO) and NODC.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
266 data points
1 Depth water [m] | 2 Press [dbar] | 3 Temp [°C] | 4 Sal | 5 O2 [µmol/l] | 6 [PO4]3- [µmol/l] | 7 Si(OH)4 [µmol/l] | 8 [NO2]- [µmol/l] | 9 [NO3]- [µmol/l] |
0.00 | 0 | 19.350 | 35.685 | 237.6 | 0.14 | 2.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
39.56 | 40 | 19.310 | 35.683 | 236.3 | 0.15 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
79.11 | 80 | 19.110 | 35.658 | 236.3 | 0.18 | 3.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
118.65 | 120 | 17.850 | 35.597 | 225.1 | 0.40 | 2.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
158.19 | 160 | 16.420 | 35.506 | 217.0 | 0.42 | 2.0 | 0.0 | 3.0 |
197.72 | 200 | 15.690 | 35.434 | 214.4 | 0.49 | 3.0 | 0.0 | 4.0 |
248.11 | 251 | 14.630 | 35.315 | 212.6 | 0.63 | 4.0 | 0.0 | 6.0 |
297.50 | 301 | 13.460 | 35.178 | 212.1 | 0.77 | 3.0 | 0.0 | 8.0 |
396.25 | 401 | 11.260 | 34.890 | 205.0 | 1.13 | 4.0 | 0.0 | 13.0 |
495.94 | 502 | 8.820 | 34.607 | 216.2 | 1.42 | 6.0 | 0.0 | 18.0 |
595.58 | 603 | 7.640 | 34.487 | 226.9 | 1.58 | 8.0 | 0.0 | 21.0 |
694.20 | 703 | 6.750 | 34.406 | 232.2 | 1.79 | 10.0 | 0.0 | 23.0 |
793.75 | 804 | 6.100 | 34.368 | 230.9 | 1.99 | 14.0 | 0.0 | 25.0 |
844.01 | 855 | 5.840 | 34.359 | 224.6 | 2.05 | 18.0 | 0.0 | 27.0 |
893.26 | 905 | 5.470 | 34.348 | 220.6 | 2.23 | 21.0 | 0.0 | 28.0 |
991.74 | 1005 | 4.750 | 34.353 | 206.8 | 2.45 | 33.0 | 0.0 | 31.0 |
1191.52 | 1208 | 3.660 | 34.421 | 185.8 | 2.55 | 53.0 | 0.0 | 34.0 |
1306.59 | 1325 | 3.200 | 34.466 | 180.9 | 2.59 | 66.0 | 35.0 | |
1391.12 | 1411 | 2.944 | 34.510 | 175.5 | 74.0 | 0.0 | 36.0 | |
1506.08 | 1528 | 2.720 | 34.550 | 169.3 | 2.81 | 90.0 | 36.0 | |
1805.47 | 1833 | 2.300 | 34.619 | 157.6 | 2.93 | 116.0 | 37.0 | |
2004.50 | 2036 | 2.160 | 34.637 | 155.0 | 2.99 | 125.0 | 37.0 | |
2203.36 | 2239 | 2.050 | 34.645 | 152.7 | 2.99 | 125.0 | 36.0 | |
2402.04 | 2442 | 1.980 | 34.653 | 152.3 | 127.0 | 38.0 | ||
2601.51 | 2646 | 1.870 | 34.664 | 153.6 | 123.0 | 38.0 | ||
2899.40 | 2951 | 1.760 | 34.674 | 159.4 | 130.0 | 36.0 | ||
3198.84 | 3258 | 1.650 | 34.683 | 167.9 | 2.95 | 120.0 | 35.0 | |
3497.86 | 3565 | 1.550 | 34.701 | 184.4 | 2.80 | 120.0 | 34.0 | |
3795.50 | 3871 | 1.387 | 34.711 | 201.4 | 2.75 | 122.0 | 33.0 | |
3996.62 | 4078 | 1.282 | 34.714 | 208.6 | 2.74 | 119.0 | 33.0 | |
4195.61 | 4283 | 1.183 | 34.715 | 213.5 | 2.79 | 125.0 | 33.0 | |
4396.35 | 4490 | 1.120 | 34.713 | 214.4 | 2.77 | 123.0 | 34.0 | |
4695.67 | 4799 | 1.085 | 34.711 | 216.2 | 2.78 | 119.0 | 33.0 | |
4997.48 | 5111 | 1.074 | 34.711 | 217.9 | 2.77 | 126.0 | 32.0 | |
5199.41 | 5320 | 1.091 | 34.710 | 217.0 | 2.79 | 126.0 | 33.0 | |
5299.83 | 5424 | 1.104 | 34.710 | 217.0 | 2.79 | 125.0 | 34.0 |