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Weller, Rolf (2006): Airchemistry at Neumayer Station, Antarctica during the year 2005 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,, In: Weller, Rolf (2023): Airchemistry at Neumayer station, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2006-07-07DOI registered: 2006-08-07

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Latitude: -70.650000 * Longitude: -8.250000
Date/Time Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-12-31T23:59:01
Minimum ALTITUDE: 42 m * Maximum ALTITUDE: 42 m
Neumayer_SPUSO * Latitude: -70.650000 * Longitude: -8.250000 * Date/Time: 1983-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 42.0 m * Location: Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica * Campaign: Neumayer_based * Basis: NEUMAYER III * Method/Device: Air chemistry observatory (SPUSO)
Data processing by Johannes Kässbohrer, Fielax
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
3Temperature, airTTT°CWeller, Rolf
4Wind speedffm/sWeller, RolfAnemometer
5Wind directiondddegWeller, RolfAnemometer
6Total extinction coefficient at 450 nmscblue1/mWeller, RolfNephelometer TSI 3563 (neph3563_1017)Detection limit approx. 10^-7 1/m. Averaging time is generally 600 sec.
7Total extinction coefficient at 550 nmscgreen1/mWeller, RolfNephelometer TSI 3563 (neph3563_1017)Detection limit approx. 10^-7 1/m. Averaging time is generally 600 sec.
8Total extinction coefficient at 700 nmscred1/mWeller, RolfNephelometer TSI 3563 (neph3563_1017)Detection limit approx. 10^-7 1/m. Averaging time is generally 600 sec.
9Extinction coefficient at 450 nm, backscattering modebscblue1/mWeller, RolfNephelometer TSI 3563 (neph3563_1017)Detection limit approx. 10^-7 1/m. Averaging time is generally 600 sec.
10Extinction coefficient at 550 nm, backscattering modebscgreen1/mWeller, RolfNephelometer TSI 3563 (neph3563_1017)Detection limit approx. 10^-7 1/m. Averaging time is generally 600 sec.
11Extinction coefficient at 700 nm, backscattering modebscred1/mWeller, RolfNephelometer TSI 3563 (neph3563_1017)Detection limit approx. 10^-7 1/m. Averaging time is generally 600 sec.
12Particle numberCP_conc#/cm3Weller, RolfCondensation particle counter (CPC), TSI, 3022A (cpc3775)Uncertainties are approx. +/-5%; screened for wind velocities > 2 m/s and wind direction
13OzoneO3ppbvWeller, RolfSurface ozone analyzer ansyco O341M (O341M_1167)Uncertainties are approx. +/-2 ppbv
14Date/time endDate/time endWeller, RolfSampling period high volume aerosol sampling
15Methanesulfonic acidMSAng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±10% to ±15%
16ChlorideClng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±10% to ±15%
17BromideBr-ng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±20% to ±30%
18NitrateNO3ng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±10% to ±15%
19Sulfate[SO4]2-ng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±10% to ±15%
20SodiumNang/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±10% to ±15%
21Ammonium[NH4]+ng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±20% to ±30%
22PotassiumKng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±20% to ±30%
23MagnesiumMgng/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±20% to ±30%
24CalciumCang/m3Weller, RolfHigh volume aerosol sampling (HV-LV-sampling-SPUSO)Uncertainties are approximately ±20% to ±30%
1586000 data points

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