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Traiser, Christopher (2006): Miocene palaeoclimate of Schrotzburg (Germany) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2006-06-25DOI registered: 2006-07-23

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Related to:
Traiser, Christopher; Uhl, Dieter; Klotz, Stefan; Mosbrugger, Volker (2007): Leaf physiognomy and palaeoenvironmental estimates – an alternative technique based on an European calibration. Acta Palaeobotanica, 47(1), 183-201, hdl:10013/epic.44366.d366
Latitude: 47.704000 * Longitude: 8.894000
Schrotzburg * Latitude: 47.704000 * Longitude: 8.894000 * Elevation: 560.0 m * Location: Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg * Campaign: NECLIME_campaign * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2Method commentMethod commTraiser, Christopher
3Age, minimum/youngAge minkaTraiser, Christopher
4Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaTraiser, Christopher
5EpochEpochTraiser, Christopher
6StageStageTraiser, ChristopherMediterranean stages
7FormationFormationTraiser, Christopher
8Mammal zoneMammal zoneTraiser, ChristopherMammal biostratigraphic zones
9Taxa analyzedTaxa anal#Traiser, Christopher
10Temperature, annual mean, minimumMAT min°CTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
11Temperature, annual meanMAT°CTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
12Temperature, annual mean, maximumMAT max°CTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
13Temperature, coldest month, minimumCMT min°CTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
14Temperature, coldest monthCMT°CTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
15Temperature, coldest month, maximumCMT max°CTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
16Temperature, warmest month, minimumWMT min°CTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
17Temperature, warmest monthWMT°CTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
18Temperature, warmest month, maximumWMT max°CTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
19Temperature, annual rangeATR°CTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
20Precipitation, annual mean, minimumMAP minmmTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
21Precipitation, annual meanMAPmmTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
22Precipitation, annual mean, maximumMAP maxmmTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
23Precipitation of the driest month minimumLMP minmmTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
24Precipitation of the driest monthLMPmmTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
25Precipitation of the driest month maximumLMP maxmmTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
26Precipitation of the wettest month minimumHMP minmmTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
27Precipitation of the wettest monthHMPmmTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
28Precipitation of the wettest month maximumHMP maxmmTraiser, ChristopherCoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
29Temperature, sum of daily mean temperatures per yearTsum°CTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
30Ground frost, days per yearFDdays/aTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
31Precipitation, growing seasonGSPmmTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
32Precipitation of 3 consecutive driest months per yearP 3minmmTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
33Precipitation days per yearPDdays/aTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
34Growing season durationGS durmonthsTraiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
35Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationSWDW/m2Traiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
36Evergreen taxa, portion in the vegetationEvergreen%Traiser, Christopherleaf physiognomic characterisation ELPA (Traiser et al. 2005)
66 data points

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