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Sirocko, Frank; Dreher, Frank (2005): Relative abundance of pollen recorded in sediment profile Ei2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Sirocko, Frank; Seelos, Klemens; Schaber, Katja; Rein, Bert; Dreher, Frank; Diehl, Markus; Lehne, Rouwen; Jäger, Knut; Krbetschek, Matthias R; Degering, Detlev (2005): A late eemian aridity pulse in central Europe during the last glacial inception. Nature, 436, 833-836,

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Latitude: 50.186910 * Longitude: 6.589870
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 37.305 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 67.105 m
ELSA_Ei2 (Ei2) * Latitude: 50.186910 * Longitude: 6.589870 * Elevation: 423.5 m * Location: Eigelbach Trockenmaar, Eifel, Germany * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Gauß-Krüger coordinate system: 2542122/5561234
Taxus not recorded
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AbiesAbies%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
3PiceaPicea%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
4PinusPinus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
5SalixSalix%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
6BetulaBetula%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
7AlnusAlnus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
8CorylusCorylus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
9CarpinusCar%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
10QuercusQuercus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
11TiliaTilia%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
12UlmusUlmus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
13BuxusBuxus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
14FagusFagus%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
15IlexIlex%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
16HederaHedera%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
17ViscumViscum%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
18PoaceaePoac%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
19EricaceaeEricac%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
20ArtemisiaArtemisia%Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology% of terrestrial pollen
21Pollen, totalPollen tot#/cm3Dreher, FrankCounting, palynology
1375 data points

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