Galeotti, Simone; Coccioni, Rodolfo (1998): Distribution of Miocene benthic foraminifera of sediment core CRP-1 (Fig. 1) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Galeotti, S; Coccioni, R (1998): Foraminiferal analysis of the Miocene CRP-1 core (Ross Sea, Antarctica). Terra Antartica, 5(3), 521-526, hdl:10013/epic.28333.d001
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Published: 1998 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2006-06-15
The analysis of foraminifera from the Miocene section of the CRP-1 drillhole (Ross Sea, Antarctica) revealed the presence of poor to moderate rich and diversified assemblages. The absence of planktonic foraminifers and of valuable stratigraphic makers within the benthic foraminiferal assemblages, did not allow a definite stratigraphic assignment of the studie interval. However, the assemblage are quite compareable to late Oligocene-early Miocene faunas previously described from other sites in the Ross Sea and adjacent regions and are interpreted as indicative of a shallow-water depositional setting.
Cape Roberts Project (CRP)
Latitude: -77.007580 * Longitude: 163.755080
Date/Time Start: 1997-10-17T01:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-10-24T02:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 52.99 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 142.31 m
CRP-1 (16 km ENE Cape Roberts) * Latitude: -77.007580 * Longitude: 163.755080 * Date/Time Start: 1997-10-17T01:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-10-24T02:00:00 * Elevation: -153.5 m * Penetration: 132.06 m * Recovery: 113.32 m * Location: off Cape Roberts, Ross Sea, Antarctica * Campaign: CRP-1 * Basis: Sampling/drilling ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: sea ice thickness: 1.60 m, recovery 86 %. Age and lithology of oldest strata: 22-24 Ma; mudstone with scattered pebbles.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Galeotti, Simone | ||
3 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Galeotti, Simone | ||
4 | Preservation | Preserv | Galeotti, Simone | |||
5 | Foraminifera, benthic | Foram benth | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
6 | Number of species | Spec No | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
7 | Ammoelphidiella uniforamina | A. uniforamina | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
8 | Cibicides lobatulus | C. lobatulus | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
9 | Cibicides sp. | Cibicides sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
10 | Cribroelphidium magellanicum | C. magellanicum | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
11 | Cribroelphidium sp. | Cribroelphidium sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
12 | Fissurina fimbriata | F. fimbriata | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
13 | Fissurina sp. | Fissurina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
14 | Glandulina sp. | Glandulina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
15 | Globocassidulina subglobosa | G. subglobosa | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
16 | Gyroidinoides zelandicus | G. zelandicus | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
17 | Haplophragmoides sp. | Haplophragmoides sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
18 | Lagenammina sp. | Lagenammina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
19 | Lenticulina sp. | Lenticulina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
20 | Melonis barleeanus | M. barleeanus | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
21 | Nonion graniferum | N. graniferum | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
22 | Nonionella iridea | N. iridea | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
23 | Oolina globosa | O. globosa | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
24 | Oolina apiculata | O. apiculata | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
25 | Oolina sp. | Oolina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
26 | Oridorsalis tener | O. tener | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
27 | Parafissurina laevigata | P. laevigata | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
28 | Pullenia quinqueloba | P. quinqueloba | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
29 | Rosalina sp. | Rosalina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
30 | Saracenaria sp. | Saracenaria sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
31 | Stainforthia schreibersiana | S. schreibersiana | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
32 | Uvigerina sp. | Uvigerina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | var. 2 |
33 | Uvigerina sp. | Uvigerina sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | var. 1 |
34 | Vaginulinopsis sp. | Vaginulinopsis sp. | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction | |
35 | Foraminifera, benthic indeterminata | Foram benth indet | # | Galeotti, Simone | Counting >63 µm fraction |
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125 data points