Gulev, Sergey; WOCE Surface Meteorology Data, WOCEMET (2006): Continuous meteorological surface measurement during PROFESSOR MULTANOVSKIY cruise PM1992 [dataset]. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
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Further details:
Volkmer, Lauren; Enloe, Jesse; Smith, Shawn R (1999): Professor Multanovsky AWS - Data quality control report. Surface Meteorological Data Assembly Center, Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University, 99-11, Prof_Multanovskiy_QC.pdf
Median Latitude: 43.976114 * Median Longitude: -47.243636 * South-bound Latitude: 39.500000 * West-bound Longitude: -55.340000 * North-bound Latitude: 48.100000 * East-bound Longitude: -35.770000
Date/Time Start: 1992-12-19T18:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-01-11T12:00:00
Minimum ALTITUDE: 12 m * Maximum ALTITUDE: 12 m
PM1992-track * Latitude Start: 47.930000 * Longitude Start: -38.720000 * Latitude End: 48.000000 * Longitude End: -35.770000 * Date/Time Start: 1992-12-19T18:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-01-11T12:00:00 * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: PM1992 * Basis: Professor Multanovskiy * Method/Device: Underway cruise track measurements (CT)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Geocode | |||
2 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Geocode | |||
3 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Geocode | |||
4 | ALTITUDE | Altitude | m | Geocode | ||
5 | Course | Course | deg | Gulev, Sergey | ||
6 | Speed, velocity | v | m/s | Gulev, Sergey | ||
7 | Pressure, atmospheric | PPPP | hPa | Gulev, Sergey | ||
8 | Temperature, air | TTT | °C | Gulev, Sergey | Instrument height: 12 m | |
9 | Temperature, water | Temp | °C | Gulev, Sergey | Instrument depth not given | |
10 | Humidity, relative | RH | % | Gulev, Sergey | Instrument height: 12 m | |
11 | Quality code | Quality | Gulev, Sergey |
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