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Frankignoulle, Michel; Borges, Alberto Vieira (2006): Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples of fourth Scheldt cruise during BIOGEST [dataset]. Mécanique des Fluides Géophysiques, Université de Liège, PANGAEA,

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Scheldt Delta Estuary
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. ENV4960213: Biogas Transfer in Estuaries
Median Latitude: 51.333380 * Median Longitude: 4.067947 * South-bound Latitude: 51.117500 * West-bound Longitude: 3.240300 * North-bound Latitude: 51.433600 * East-bound Longitude: 4.398900
Date/Time Start: 1998-10-05T11:44:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-10-09T11:04:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: m * Maximum DEPTH, water: m
Scheldt_IV * Latitude Start: 51.374700 * Longitude Start: 3.726700 * Latitude End: 51.414200 * Longitude End: 3.240300 * Date/Time Start: 1998-10-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-10-09T00:00:00 * Location: Scheldt Estuary * Campaign: Scheldt_IV * Method/Device: Bottle, Niskin (NIS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
4DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
5Sample positionSamp posBorges, Alberto Vieira
6Depth commentDepth commBorges, Alberto VieiraBottom depth
7SalinitySalBorges, Alberto Vieira
8SalinitySalBorges, Alberto Vieira
9Temperature, waterTemp°CBorges, Alberto Vieira
10Density, mass densityDensitykg/m3Borges, Alberto VieiraCalculated
11OxygenO2µmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraTitration, Winkler
12OxygenO2µmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraTitration, Winkler
13Oxygen saturationO2 sat%Borges, Alberto Vieira
14Nitrate and Nitrite[NO3]- + [NO2]-µmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraSeawater analysis after Grasshoff et al., 1983 (Verlag Chemie GmbH Weinheim)
15Nitrate[NO3]-µmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraSeawater analysis after Grasshoff et al., 1983 (Verlag Chemie GmbH Weinheim)
16Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraSeawater analysis after Grasshoff et al., 1983 (Verlag Chemie GmbH Weinheim)
17SilicateSi(OH)4µmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraSeawater analysis after Grasshoff et al., 1983 (Verlag Chemie GmbH Weinheim)
18Chlorophyll aChl aµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
19Chlorophyll aChl aµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
20Chlorophyll aChl aµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
21Chlorophyll aChl aµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
22FucoxanthinFucoµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
23PeridininPeridµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
24AlloxanthinAlloµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
25LuteinLutµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
26Chlorophyll bChl bµg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
27Alkalinity, totalATmmol(eq)/lBorges, Alberto VieiraTitrationElectro-titration
28pHpHBorges, Alberto VieirapH, Electrode
29Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraCalculated from pH and alkalinity
30Carbon dioxide, partial pressurepCO2µatmBorges, Alberto VieiraCalculated from pH and alkalinity
31Calcite saturation degreeLcBorges, Alberto VieiraCalculated from pH and alkalinity
32Aragonite saturation degreeLaBorges, Alberto VieiraCalculated from pH and alkalinity
33MethaneCH4nmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraGas chromatography
34Carbon monoxideCOµmol/lBorges, Alberto Vieirasee commentEquilibration coupled to Reduction Gas Detector
35MercuryHgpmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraGas chromatographyCryogenic trapping
36IodomethaneCH3Ipmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraIsotope ratio mass spectrometryElectron Capture Detector
37Suspended matter, particulate/solidsTSSmg/lBorges, Alberto VieiraFiltrationon pre-weighed Whatman GF/F glass-fibre filters
38Carbon, organic, particulatePOC%Borges, Alberto Vieirasee commentTotal carbon elemental analyzer
39Carbon, inorganic, particulatePIC%Borges, Alberto Vieirasee commentTotal carbon elemental analyzer
40Carbon, totalTC%Borges, Alberto Vieira
41Carbon, organic, dissolvedDOCµmol/lBorges, Alberto VieiraHigh temperature catalytic oxidationTotal carbon elemental analyzer
42Carbon, organic, dissolved, standard deviationDOC std dev±Borges, Alberto VieiraCalculated
495 data points

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