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Kotilainen, Aarno T (2006): Age model of sediment core IOW211660-6 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2006-04-03DOI registered: 2006-05-01

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Gulf of Riga
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. IC20960080: Baltic Sea System Study
Latitude: 57.283800 * Longitude: 20.118967
Date/Time Start: 1997-07-26T20:11:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-07-26T20:11:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.440 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 6.740 m
IOW211660-6 * Latitude: 57.283800 * Longitude: 20.118967 * Date/Time: 1997-07-26T20:11:00 * Elevation: -241.3 m * Location: Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea * Campaign: KOT99/97/02.1 * Basis: Petr Kottsov * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL) * Comment: GB3
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Age modelAge modelkaKotilainen, Aarno TAge model, composite
Age, commentCommKotilainen, Aarno T
70 data points


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Depth sed [m]

Age model [ka]

0.4400.185control point A (inclination), varve years
0.5300.344control point 6 (magn. susc.), varve years
0.6250.387control point 7 (magn. susc.), varve years
0.8850.543control point 9 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.0000.800control point 13 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.1100.937control point 14 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.1601.215control point 15 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.2651.472control point 16 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.3151.630control point 17 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.3601.691control point 18 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.4001.745control point 19 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.4451.799control point 20 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.4751.836control point 21 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.5601.940control point 22 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.5851.971control point 23 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.6152.009control point 24 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.7002.116control point 25 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.7902.219control point 26 (magn. susc.), varve years
1.9602.513control point 27 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.0002.587control point 28 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.0652.708control point 30 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.2152.791control point 31 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.2952.835control point 32 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.3702.904control point 33 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.4202.950control point 34 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.5602.983control point 35 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.6052.994control point 36 (magn. susc.), varve years
2.6953.015control point 37 (magn. susc.), varve years
3.0804.080control point 42 (magn. susc.), corr. with i7 in IOW211660-1,calibrated 14C ages
3.2405.155control point 46 (magn. susc.), calibrated 14C ages
3.5485.940corr. with i9 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages
4.1006.940corr. with i10 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages
5.2188.040corr. with i11 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages
5.5789.410corr. with i12 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages
6.74010.950corr. with i13 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages