Kotilainen, Aarno T (2006): Age model of sediment core IOW211660-6 [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.407735
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Published: 2006-04-03 • DOI registered: 2006-05-01
Baltic Sea System Study (BASYS)
Latitude: 57.283800 * Longitude: 20.118967
Date/Time Start: 1997-07-26T20:11:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-07-26T20:11:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.440 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 6.740 m
IOW211660-6 * Latitude: 57.283800 * Longitude: 20.118967 * Date/Time: 1997-07-26T20:11:00 * Elevation: -241.3 m * Location: Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea * Campaign: KOT99/97/02.1 * Basis: Petr Kottsov * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL) * Comment: GB3
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Age model | Age model | ka | Kotilainen, Aarno T | Age model, composite | |
3 | Age, comment | Comm | Kotilainen, Aarno T |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
70 data points
1 Depth sed [m] | 2 Age model [ka] | 3 Comm |
0.440 | 0.185 | control point A (inclination), varve years |
0.530 | 0.344 | control point 6 (magn. susc.), varve years |
0.625 | 0.387 | control point 7 (magn. susc.), varve years |
0.885 | 0.543 | control point 9 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.000 | 0.800 | control point 13 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.110 | 0.937 | control point 14 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.160 | 1.215 | control point 15 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.265 | 1.472 | control point 16 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.315 | 1.630 | control point 17 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.360 | 1.691 | control point 18 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.400 | 1.745 | control point 19 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.445 | 1.799 | control point 20 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.475 | 1.836 | control point 21 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.560 | 1.940 | control point 22 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.585 | 1.971 | control point 23 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.615 | 2.009 | control point 24 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.700 | 2.116 | control point 25 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.790 | 2.219 | control point 26 (magn. susc.), varve years |
1.960 | 2.513 | control point 27 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.000 | 2.587 | control point 28 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.065 | 2.708 | control point 30 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.215 | 2.791 | control point 31 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.295 | 2.835 | control point 32 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.370 | 2.904 | control point 33 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.420 | 2.950 | control point 34 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.560 | 2.983 | control point 35 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.605 | 2.994 | control point 36 (magn. susc.), varve years |
2.695 | 3.015 | control point 37 (magn. susc.), varve years |
3.080 | 4.080 | control point 42 (magn. susc.), corr. with i7 in IOW211660-1,calibrated 14C ages |
3.240 | 5.155 | control point 46 (magn. susc.), calibrated 14C ages |
3.548 | 5.940 | corr. with i9 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages |
4.100 | 6.940 | corr. with i10 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages |
5.218 | 8.040 | corr. with i11 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages |
5.578 | 9.410 | corr. with i12 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages |
6.740 | 10.950 | corr. with i13 in IOW211660-1 , calibrated 14C ages |