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Menezes, Gui M (2006): Longline catch rates from Sedlo Seamount samples at station SEDLOT-03-V04 [dataset]. Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of the Azores, PANGAEA,, In: Christiansen, Bernd; Arístegui Ruiz, Javier; Bett, Brian J; Kiriakoulakis, Kostas; Martins, Ana; Menezes, Gui M; White, Martin (2015): Compilation of scientific results of the OASIS project [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2006-03-28DOI registered: 2015-03-17

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Fifth Framework Programme (FP5), grant/award no. EVK3-CT-2002-00073: Oceanic Seamounts: an Integrated Study
Median Latitude: 40.226805 * Median Longitude: -27.120555 * South-bound Latitude: 40.209440 * West-bound Longitude: -27.141670 * North-bound Latitude: 40.244170 * East-bound Longitude: -27.099440
Date/Time Start: 2004-09-18T04:15:32 * Date/Time End: 2004-09-18T04:39:27
Minimum DEPTH, water: 2190.700 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 2190.700 m
SEDLOT-03-V04 * Latitude Start: 40.244170 * Longitude Start: -27.141670 * Latitude End: 40.209440 * Longitude End: -27.099440 * Date/Time Start: 2004-09-18T04:15:32 * Date/Time End: 2004-09-18T04:39:27 * Elevation Start: -2190.7 m * Elevation End: -2185.9 m * Location: Sedlo Seamount * Campaign: OASIS-22-V04 * Basis: Arquipelago * Method/Device: Longline deployment (LLDEP) * Comment: 65 total mainline fractions
Longline Gear Type: Longline C / bait type: sardine.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Latitude of eventLatitude
2Longitude of eventLongitude
3DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
4ClassificationClassification#Menezes, Gui MDepth strata code: class boundaries = depth, top and depth, bottom
5Depth, top/minDepth topmMenezes, Gui M
6Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmMenezes, Gui M
7Species codeSpec codeMenezes, Gui M
8SpeciesSpeciesMenezes, Gui MSpecies name
9FamilyFamilyMenezes, Gui MSpecies family
10Mass, nettoNettogMenezes, Gui MCatch weight
11Sample code/labelSample labelMenezes, Gui MCatch number
12NumberNoMenezes, Gui MEffective fishing effort
162 data points

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