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Rudolph, Miriam; Mackensen, Andreas (2006): Assemblage of benthic foraminifera in sediment core PS2499-5 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2006-03-17DOI registered: 2006-04-14

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Related to:
Rudolph, Miriam (2006): Benthische Foraminiferenvergesellschaftungen als Anzeiger für spätquartäre Positionsänderungen der Fronten des Antarktischen Zirkumpolarstromes im Südatlantik (Benthic foraminiferal assemblages used as proxy to reconstruct late Quaternary migration of the fronts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the South Atlantic). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 522, 151 pp,
Further details:
Q-mode varimax factor scores matrix of benthic foraminifera assemblage - list of species. hdl:10013/epic.38818.d001
Latitude: -46.511660 * Longitude: -15.333330
Date/Time Start: 1993-12-25T15:44:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-12-25T15:44:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.03 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.14 m
PS2499-5 (PS28/314) * Latitude: -46.511660 * Longitude: -15.333330 * Date/Time: 1993-12-25T15:44:00 * Elevation: -3175.0 m * Recovery: 15.53 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XI/2 (PS28) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Piston corer (BGR type) (KL) * Comment: 16 core sections: 0-0.53, 0.53-1.53, 1.53-2.53, 2.53-3.53, 3.53-4.53, 4.53-5.53, 5.53-6.54, 6.54-7.54, 7.54-8.54, 8.54-9.54, 9.54-10.54, 10.54-11.53, 11.53-12.53, 12.53-13.53, 13.53-14.53, 14.53-15.53 m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Foraminifera, benthic deadForam benth d#Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
3Angulogerina angulosaA. angulosa%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
4Astacolus spp.Astacolus spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
5Astrononion echolsiA. echolsi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
6Bolivina dilatataB. dilatata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
7Bolivina pacificaB. pacifica%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
8Bolivina pseudopunctataB. pseudopunctata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
9Bolivina pygmaeaB. pygmaea%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
10Bolivinita pseudothalmanniB. pseudothalmanni%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
11Brizalina subspinescensB. subspinescens%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
12Bulimina sp.Bulimina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
13Bulimina aculeataB. aculeata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
14Bulimina alazanensisB. alazanensis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
15Bulimina exilisB. exilis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
16Bulimina pacificaB. pacifica%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fractionSpecies questionable
17Cassidulina laevigataC. laevigata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
18Cassidulina reniformeC. reniforme%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
19Cassidulina teretisC. teretis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
20Cassidulinoides bradyiC. bradyi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
21Cassidulinoides tenuisC. tenuis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
22Chilostomella oolinaC. oolina%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
23Cibicidoides bradyiC. bradyi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
24Cibicidoides kullenbergiC. kullenbergi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
25Cibicidoides robertsonianusC. robertsonianus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
26Cibicidoides cf. robertsonianusC. cf. robertsonianu%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
27Cibicidoides sp.Cibicidoides sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
28Cornuspira involvensC. involvens%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
29Cribrostomoides subglobosusC. subglobosus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
30Cyclammina spp.Cyclammina spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
31Dentalina sp.Dentalina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
32Discorbinella berthelotiD. bertheloti%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
33Eggerella bradyiE. bradyi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
34Ehrenbergina trigonaE. trigona%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
35Elphidium sp.Elphidium sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
36Epistominella exiguaE. exigua%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
37Epistominella sp.Epistominella sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
38Eponidus pusillusE. pusillus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
39Eponides tumidulusE. tumidulus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
40Fissurina sp.Fissurina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
41Fontbotia wuellerstorfiF. wuellerstorfi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
42Fontbotia cf. wuellerstorfiF. cf. wuellerstorfi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
43Francesita advenaF. advena%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
44Fursenkoina earlandiF. earlandi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
45Fursenkoina bradyiF. bradyi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
46Fursenkoina spp.Fursenkoina spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
47Globobulimina sp.Globobulimina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
48Globocassidulina crassa rossensisG. crassa ros.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
49Globocassidulina subglobosaG. subglobosa%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
50Gyroidina sp.Gyroidina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
51Gyroidinoides soldaniiG. soldanii%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
52Gyroidinoides cf. soldaniiG. cf. soldanii%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
53Gyroidinoides lamarckianaG. lamarckiana%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
54Gyroidinoides poliusG. polius%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
55Gyroidinoides umbonatusG. umbonatus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
56Haplophragmoides spp.Haplophragmoides spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
57Hormosinella spp.Hormosinella spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
58Karreriella bradyiK. bradyi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
59Karreriella novangliaeK. novangliae%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
60Lagenammina difflugiformisL. difflugiformis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
61Lagena sp.Lagena sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
62Laticarinina pauperataL. pauperata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
63Lenticulina sp.Lenticulina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
64Marginulina obesaM. obesa%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
65Martinottiella communisM. communis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
66Melonis barleeanusM. barleeanus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
67Melonis pompilioidesM. pompilioides%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
68Melonis zaandamaeM. zaandamae%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
69Nodosaria sp.Nodosaria sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
70Nonionella irideaN. iridea%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
71Nuttallides umboniferaN. umbonifera%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
72Oridorsalis cf. umbonatusO. cf. umbonatus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
73Oridorsalis umbonatusO. umbonatus%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
74Parafissurina sp.Parafissurina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
75Pullenia bulloidesP. bulloides%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
76Pullenia salisburyiP. salisburyi%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
77Pullenia subcarinataP. subcarinata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
78Pyrgo elongataP. elongata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
79Pyrgo sp.Pyrgo sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
80Pyrolina sp.Pyrolina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
81Quinqueloculina oblongaQ. oblonga%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
82Quinqueloculina venustaQ. venusta%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
83Recurvoides spp.Recurvoides spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
84Reophax spp.Reophax spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
85Rhabdamina sp.Rhabdamina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
86Rhizammina algaeformisR. algaeformis%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
87Rhizammina sp.Rhizammina sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
88Saccammina spp.Saccammina spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
89Saccorhiza spp.Saccorhiza spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
90Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeriS. schlumbergeri%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
91Siphotextularia catenataS. catenata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
92Sphaeroidina bulloidesS. bulloides%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
93Spiroloculina pusillaS. pusilla%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
94Stainforthia sp.Stainforthia sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
95Stilostomella sp.Stilostomella sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
96Textularia sp.Textularia sp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
97Triloculina tricarinataT. tricarinata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
98Trochammina spp.Trochammina spp.%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
99Uvigerina hispidaU. hispida%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
100Uvigerina peregrinaU. peregrina%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
101Valvulineria laevigataV. laevigata%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
102Foraminifera, benthic indeterminataForam benth indet%Mackensen, AndreasCounting >125 µm fraction
303 data points

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