Clarke, R Allyn (2006): Water temperature and salinity from profiling float 1474199 [dataset]. Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, PANGAEA,, In: WOCE Upper Ocean Thermal, UOT (2009): Temperature and salinity records from profiling floats [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2006-02-20 • DOI registered: 2006-03-21
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Median Latitude: 49.286645 * Median Longitude: -35.139882 * South-bound Latitude: 47.434000 * West-bound Longitude: -40.489000 * North-bound Latitude: 51.124000 * East-bound Longitude: -31.172000
Date/Time Start: 1999-01-02T04:53:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-21T10:22:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 5.1 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 1184.7 m
1474199 * Latitude Start: 49.873000 * Longitude Start: -40.489000 * Latitude End: 48.827000 * Longitude End: -31.172000 * Date/Time Start: 1999-01-02T04:53:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-21T10:22:00 * Campaign: Floater * Method/Device: Profiling floater (PFLOAT)
Profiles have been visually checked so the major errors should be caught. However, no detailed quality control has been performed. Profile positions are assigned to the first good location provided by Argos. Webb/SIO profiling floats were used. Trajectory file in NetCDF format:
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Geocode | |||
2 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Geocode | |||
3 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Geocode | |||
4 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
5 | Pressure, water | Press | dbar | Clarke, R Allyn | ||
6 | Temperature, water | Temp | °C | Clarke, R Allyn | Profiling float SIO | |
7 | Salinity | Sal | Clarke, R Allyn | Profiling float SIO | ||
8 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Clarke, R Allyn | Profile number |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
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