Pagels, Uwe (2006): Accumulation rates calculated for sediment core PS1527-10 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3980185: Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
Latitude: 86.093333 * Longitude: 22.011667
Date/Time Start: 1987-08-03T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1987-08-03T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.40 m
PS1527-10 (GIK21527-10 PS11/371-10) * Latitude: 86.093333 * Longitude: 22.011667 * Date/Time: 1987-08-03T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3698.0 m * Penetration: 0.38 m * Recovery: 0.48 m * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: ARK-IV/3 (PS11) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | AGE | Age | ka BP | Geocode | ||
3 | Density, dry bulk | DBD | g/cm3 | Pagels, Uwe | ||
4 | Accumulation rate, mass | MAR | g/cm2/ka | Pagels, Uwe | Calculated | |
5 | Sand | Sand | % | Pagels, Uwe | Grain size, sieving/settling tube | |
6 | Accumulation rate, sand > 63 µm | Acc rate >63 µm | g/cm2/ka | Pagels, Uwe | Calculated | |
7 | Sedimentation rate | SR | cm/ka | Pagels, Uwe | Calculated |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
100 data points