Schmiing, Mara; Laudien, Jürgen; Sahade, Ricardo José (2006): Early succession in benthic hard bottom communities in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard - biomass [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Related to:
Schmiing, Mara (2005): Sukzession in benthischen Makrofauna-Gemeinschaften der Arktis - ein Jahresvergleich. Diploma Thesis, University of Bremen, Germany
Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI (AWI_BPP)
Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167
Date/Time Start: 2002-07-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-08-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 20 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 20 m
Kongsfjorden_2003 * Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167 * Date/Time Start: 2003-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2003-12-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: -99.0 m * Location: Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic * Campaign: KOP51_2003 * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER)
Kongsfjorden_2004 * Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167 * Date/Time Start: 2004-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-12-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: -99.0 m * Location: Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic * Campaign: KOP51_2004 * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER)
Kongsfjorden_2005 * Latitude: 78.972833 * Longitude: 11.489167 * Date/Time Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-12-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: -99.0 m * Location: Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic * Campaign: KOP51_2005 * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER)
To study early succession round Polyethylen-succession-panels (40 x 1.5 cm) were directly installed on a vertical rock face. Panel surface area: panel front = 907 cm**2, back = 753 cm**2, edge = 851cm**2.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
3 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Geocode | |||
4 | Date/time end | Date/time end | Laudien, Jürgen | |||
5 | Duration, number of days | Duration | days | Laudien, Jürgen | ||
6 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Laudien, Jürgen | |||
7 | Ectocarpus sp. | Ectocarpus sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
8 | Desmarestia aculeata | D. aculeata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
9 | Desmarestia viridis | D. viridis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
10 | Desmarestia sp. | Desmarestia sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
11 | Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus | D. foeniculaceus | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
12 | Corallinaceae | Corallinaceae | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
13 | Hildenbrandia rubra | H. rubra | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
14 | Phaeostroma pustulosum | P. pustulosum | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
15 | Phycodrys rubens | P. rubens | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
16 | Acrosiphonia sp. | Acrosiphonia sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
17 | Foraminifera, benthic | Foram benth | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
18 | Porifera | Porifera | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
19 | Lafoea sp. | Lafoea sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
20 | Obelia dichotoma | O. dichotoma | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
21 | Hydractinia sp. | Hydractinia sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
22 | Autolytus sp. | Autolytus sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
23 | Circeis spirillum | C. spirillum | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
24 | Harmothoe imbricata | H. imbricata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
25 | Janua pagenstecheri | J. pagenstecheri | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
26 | Jugaria granulata | J. granulata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
27 | Paradexiospira vitrea | P. vitrea | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
28 | Paradexiospira cancellata | P. cancellata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
29 | Polynoide, juvenile | Polynoide juv | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
30 | Spionida, planktic, juvenile | Spionida plankt juv | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
31 | Spionida, benthic, juvenile | Spionida bent juv | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
32 | Sphaerosyllis erinaceus | S. erinaceus | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
33 | Spirorbis spirorbis | S. spirorbis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
34 | Spirorbis spp. | Spirorbis spp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
35 | Spirorbis tridentatus | S. tridentatus | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
36 | Terebellidae | Terebellidae | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
37 | Ostracoda | Ostrac | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown, var 1 |
38 | Ostracoda | Ostrac | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown, var 2 |
39 | Ostracoda | Ostrac | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown, var 3 |
40 | Ostracoda | Ostrac | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown, var 4 |
41 | Copepoda, biomass | Copepoda | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
42 | Balanus crenatus | B. crenatus | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
43 | Tanaidomorpha | Tanaidomorpha | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
44 | Munna boeckii | M. boeckii | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
45 | Dajus sp., larvae | Dajus sp. larv | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
46 | Amphithoe rubricata | A. rubricata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
47 | Caprella septentrionalis | C. septentrionalis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
48 | Ischyroceros anguipes | I. anguipes | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
49 | Metopa sp. | Metopa sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
50 | Parapleustes sp. | Parapleustes sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
51 | Parapleustes monocuspis | P. monocuspis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
52 | Eualus gaimardii | E. gaimardii | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
53 | Tonicella marmorea | T. marmorea | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
54 | Lepeta caeca | L. caeca | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
55 | Margarites groenlandicus | M. groenlandicus | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
56 | Margarites helicenus | M. helicenus | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
57 | Chlamys islandica | C. islandica | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
58 | Crenella decusata | C. decusata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
59 | Hiatella arctica | H. arctica | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
60 | Bivalvia | Bivalvia | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown, var 1 |
61 | Bivalvia, juvenile | Bivalvia juv | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown, var 2 |
62 | Berenicea arctica | B. arctica | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
63 | Crisia sp. | Crisia sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
64 | Disporella verrucaria | D. verrucaria | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
65 | Oncousoecia canadensis | O. canadensis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
66 | Tubulipora sp. | Tubulipora sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
67 | Cheilostomatida | Cheilostomatida | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | Species unknown |
68 | Callopora craticula | C. craticula | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
69 | Callopora lineata | C. lineata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
70 | Celleporella hyalina | C. hyalina | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
71 | Dendrobeania fruticosa | D. fruticosa | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
72 | Diplosolen obelia var. arctica | D. obelia var. arctica | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
73 | Electra crustulenta var. catenularia-similis | E. crustulenta var. catenularia-similis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
74 | Electra pilosa | E. pilosa | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
75 | Hippoponella fascigatoavicularis | H. fascigatoavicularis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
76 | Schizoporella incerta | S. incerta | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
77 | Schizoporella porifera | S. porifera | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
78 | Schizoporella sp. | Schizoporella sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
79 | Scrupocellaria arctica | S. arctica | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
80 | Scrupocellaria scabra var. paenulata | S. scabra var. paenulata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
81 | Tegella arctica | T. arctica | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
82 | Tegella arctica var. retroversa | T. arctica var. retroversa | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
83 | Tegella armifera | T. armifera | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
84 | Tegella unicornis | T. unicornis | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
85 | Tricellaria ternata | T. ternata | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
86 | Doryporella spathulifera | D. spathulifera | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens | |
87 | Styela sp. | Styela sp. | g/m2 | Laudien, Jürgen | Weighing of dry specimens |
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