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Sultan, Nabil (2005): Geotechnical data for Hole PRGL1-4 from PROMESS1 cruise [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2005-09-26DOI registered: 2005-10-24

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Berné, Serge; Shipboard Scientific Party (2004): PROMESS1 Summary cruise Report: past global changes investigated by drilling Mediterranean continental margins. Unpublished Cruise report, Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), Brest, France, unpublished, 1-7, hdl:10013/epic.28818.d001
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5), grant/award no. EVR1-CT-2002-40024: Profiles across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems
Latitude: 42.689846 * Longitude: 3.837663
Date/Time Start: 2004-07-09T20:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-07-16T00:30:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.17 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 149.95 m
PRGL1-4 * Latitude: 42.689846 * Longitude: 3.837663 * Date/Time Start: 2004-07-09T20:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-07-16T00:30:00 * Elevation: -298.5 m * Penetration: 300.3 m * Recovery: 304.36 m * Location: Gulf of Lions * Campaign: PROMESS1 * Basis: Bavenit * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: WGS84; Sample hole, Downhole Logging II - 356 cores; 304.36 m cored; 101.25 % recovery
Depth = uncorrected core depth
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Density, wet bulkWBDg/cm3Sultan, NabilMulti-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL), GEOTEK
3Cone resistanceqckPaSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
4Sleeve frictionfskPaSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
5Pore pressureu2kPaSultan, NabilCone penetration test with pore pressure (ISSMGE, 1999)
6Vertical effective stressSigmaV efkPaSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
7Corrected cone resistanceqtkPaSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
8Net cone resistanceqnetkPaSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
9Normalized cone resistanceQtSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
10Pore pressure parameterBqSultan, NabilCone penetration test with pore pressure (ISSMGE, 1999)
11Normalized friction ratioFrSultan, NabilCone penetration test (ISSMGE, 1999 in Barends et al, 12 Eu Con Soil, Amsterdam)
12Lithology/composition/faciesLithologySultan, NabilSoil classification after Ramsey, 2002 (Proc. Offshore Site Inves. London)
Licensing unknown: Please contact principal investigator/authors to gain access and request licensing terms (UNKNOWN)
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