Zenk, Walter (2005): Current meter data at station ACM13_358 (CMDB code rcm02347) [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.317870
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Published: 2005-09-06 • DOI registered: 2005-10-05
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Further details:
Quality control at the current meter DAC. hdl:10013/epic.32909.d001
Latitude: -34.543000 * Longitude: -26.975000
Date/Time Start: 1992-12-15T20:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-04-14T14:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 56.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 56.00 m
ACM13_358 * Latitude: -34.543000 * Longitude: -26.975000 * Date/Time Start: 1992-12-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-05-29T23:59:00 * Elevation: -4325.0 m * Campaign: ACM13 * Method/Device: Mooring (MOOR)
This record contains two temperature series, which have been designated temp 1 and temp 2. The resolution of temp 1 is better than that of temp 2, and its mean value is different. The PI suggests that both be made available and that the user make an independent judgement as to which series is more accurate.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Geocode | |||
2 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
3 | Current velocity, horizontal | Cur vel hor | cm/s | Zenk, Walter | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) | |
4 | Current direction | DIR | deg | Zenk, Walter | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) | |
5 | Current velocity, east-west | Cur vel U | cm/s | Zenk, Walter | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) | |
6 | Current velocity, north-south | Cur vel V | cm/s | Zenk, Walter | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) | |
7 | Current velocity, vertical | Cur vel W | cm/s | Zenk, Walter | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) |
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